Heather Lisle developed a great tool that will walk you through step-by-step how to get your business set up in the online space in no time!
Heather Lisle works with businesses (attorneys, medical professionals, interior designers, commercial mortgage brokers, and real estate professionals) and non-profit organizations to help them intimately get acquainted with their perfect client and develop messaging and marketing strategies that convert to sales/registrations/donations/sign-ups/etc.
Using the DISC assessment allows Heather to uncover the most impactful ways to communicate with your perfect client so that your messaging is in alignment to what feels best and most authentic for you.
Christina and Heather Lisle discuss how they have similar companies doing similar things but for slightly different people. Christina explains how, even though Heather’s services are similar, she has to pivot them for the people that she is trying to work with to serve them best.
- How much do you charge for life coaching a month?
- If I wanna make $50,000 a month, what is that actually gonna look like?
- Are we being intentional with the messaging?
- Are we being intentional with the communication that we're sitting at?
- Where are you getting most of your business?
Links and Resources
- Heather's Website - https://www.heatherlisle.com/
- Heather's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/heatherlisle1
- Heather's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/heather_lisle/
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For more entrepreneurial insight, subscribe & join our community at etatoday.zone & learn how to build a business that enables your lifestyle instead of taking over your life.
00:00:01.050 --> 00:00:02.250
- Hey, busy business people.
00:00:02.250 --> 00:00:04.588
I am here today with another
Entrepreneurs Taking Action,
00:00:04.588 --> 00:00:06.060
Heather Lisle.
00:00:06.060 --> 00:00:08.524
She helps professional service
women clarify their messaging
00:00:08.524 --> 00:00:10.590
and grow their business and I'm getting
00:00:10.590 --> 00:00:12.803
the scoop today on how she does it.
00:00:12.803 --> 00:00:15.386
(upbeat music)
00:00:24.930 --> 00:00:27.128
Okay, so I am really
excited about this episode,
00:00:27.128 --> 00:00:29.970
I'm not gonna lie, because we
have very similar companies
00:00:29.970 --> 00:00:33.030
doing very similar things but
for slightly different people.
00:00:33.030 --> 00:00:34.144
So I think we're gonna be able to like-
00:00:34.144 --> 00:00:36.321
- That's right.
- Explain to people how,
00:00:36.321 --> 00:00:38.070
even though your services are similar,
00:00:38.070 --> 00:00:39.903
you have to pivot them for the people-
00:00:39.903 --> 00:00:40.736
- Yes.
- That you're trying
00:00:40.736 --> 00:00:42.060
to work with to serve them best.
00:00:42.060 --> 00:00:43.350
So I think it's gonna be interesting.
00:00:43.350 --> 00:00:46.260
- Yes.
- I know before this call,
00:00:46.260 --> 00:00:47.806
you shared with me a
story about a career coach
00:00:47.806 --> 00:00:49.514
that you helped and the transformation
00:00:49.514 --> 00:00:51.120
you helped her achieve.
00:00:51.120 --> 00:00:53.010
Can you tell our audience about that story
00:00:53.010 --> 00:00:54.260
'cause I think it was so good?
00:00:54.260 --> 00:00:56.640
- Yeah, you know, Christina, first of all,
00:00:56.640 --> 00:00:57.810
thank you so much for having me.
00:00:57.810 --> 00:00:59.010
I so appreciate it.
00:00:59.010 --> 00:01:00.962
And this is, I'm so looking
forward to this conversation.
00:01:00.962 --> 00:01:04.285
You know, how I work with my clients
00:01:04.285 --> 00:01:07.800
is all of my private clients
take the DiSC assessment,
00:01:07.800 --> 00:01:09.425
D-I-S-C, the DiSC assessment,
00:01:09.425 --> 00:01:12.120
which I'm sure most people
have heard of the Myers Briggs.
00:01:12.120 --> 00:01:13.530
I'm sure probably a lot of your listeners
00:01:13.530 --> 00:01:15.360
have heard of the DiSC as well too,
00:01:15.360 --> 00:01:18.180
but it's such an interesting tool to use
00:01:18.180 --> 00:01:20.460
because it allows me as their consultant,
00:01:20.460 --> 00:01:21.810
to be able to dig in and figure out
00:01:21.810 --> 00:01:24.127
their best communication
styles what their,
00:01:24.127 --> 00:01:26.968
you know, best perfect
client and that kind of thing
00:01:26.968 --> 00:01:31.174
and how that client is going
to receive their information.
00:01:31.174 --> 00:01:34.611
So, okay, so I'm working
with this career coach
00:01:34.611 --> 00:01:38.305
and she had worked for 25, 30 years
00:01:38.305 --> 00:01:41.817
in the financial industry with
Wells Fargo in California.
00:01:41.817 --> 00:01:45.510
And you know, so she's
a seasoned professional.
00:01:45.510 --> 00:01:47.573
Like this woman knows her stuff
00:01:47.573 --> 00:01:48.450
when it comes-
- Yep.
00:01:48.450 --> 00:01:49.830
- To HR, right?
00:01:49.830 --> 00:01:52.260
So she moves to the Dallas area,
00:01:52.260 --> 00:01:54.433
opens up her own executive coaching,
00:01:54.433 --> 00:01:57.150
career coaching service, that kinda thing.
00:01:57.150 --> 00:01:58.394
And she and I were talking, gosh,
00:01:58.394 --> 00:02:00.442
it's probably six months ago now,
00:02:00.442 --> 00:02:02.860
she and I were talking and
she was just like, you know,
00:02:02.860 --> 00:02:06.387
I'm just, I'm really having
a hard time, you know,
00:02:06.387 --> 00:02:08.610
with my marketing, my messaging,
00:02:08.610 --> 00:02:10.440
you know, landing with my clients.
00:02:10.440 --> 00:02:12.810
It just, I'm not getting the
results that I wanna see,
00:02:12.810 --> 00:02:14.430
people aren't clicking, you know,
00:02:14.430 --> 00:02:16.470
to schedule an appointment,
blah, blah, blah.
00:02:16.470 --> 00:02:18.030
And so I asked her, I was like, well,
00:02:18.030 --> 00:02:19.620
like show me your marketing materials.
00:02:19.620 --> 00:02:21.450
Like how, what have you been doing?
00:02:21.450 --> 00:02:22.410
You know, what do you have?
00:02:22.410 --> 00:02:23.280
How are you...
00:02:23.280 --> 00:02:25.110
Of course she wasn't
doing anything digitally
00:02:25.110 --> 00:02:27.404
and I was just like, well,
we gotta change that, right?
00:02:27.404 --> 00:02:30.090
But it was so interesting.
00:02:30.090 --> 00:02:32.499
She handed me like, all of these,
00:02:32.499 --> 00:02:35.649
I'm gonna call 'em just 25
page PDF long documents,
00:02:35.649 --> 00:02:38.070
like just big old, long documents.
00:02:38.070 --> 00:02:40.406
- Yep.
- And I'm flipping
00:02:40.406 --> 00:02:42.303
through these documents and I'm like,
00:02:42.303 --> 00:02:47.040
oh my gosh, this is a ton of information.
00:02:47.040 --> 00:02:49.383
And she, and they were beautifully done.
00:02:49.383 --> 00:02:52.350
She had hired a graphic
design firm to do, you know,
00:02:52.350 --> 00:02:55.266
spent thousands of dollars
doing all of this work.
00:02:55.266 --> 00:02:56.974
- Yep.
- And I asked her
00:02:56.974 --> 00:02:58.320
the question.
00:02:58.320 --> 00:03:01.174
I said, 'cause I knew
on the DiSC, she was a C
00:03:01.174 --> 00:03:04.100
which a C on the DiSC is
someone who is conscientious,
00:03:04.100 --> 00:03:07.800
someone who requires a lot of data
00:03:07.800 --> 00:03:10.987
in order to make decisions,
very thoughtful, very thorough.
00:03:10.987 --> 00:03:14.347
That was her, that's her personality.
00:03:14.347 --> 00:03:16.590
I asked her, I said, so talk to me
00:03:16.590 --> 00:03:17.862
about your perfect client.
00:03:17.862 --> 00:03:19.890
Who would be the perfect person
00:03:19.890 --> 00:03:21.030
that you would want to work with?
00:03:21.030 --> 00:03:23.610
And she goes, they're
C-suite level, you know,
00:03:23.610 --> 00:03:26.530
they're executives looking
to make a transition,
00:03:26.530 --> 00:03:28.290
move to a different industry, whatever,
00:03:28.290 --> 00:03:30.395
but you know, they're gonna
be executive level people.
00:03:30.395 --> 00:03:32.790
They make decisions
fast, blah, blah, blah.
00:03:32.790 --> 00:03:34.535
And I'm like, well, that's your problem.
00:03:34.535 --> 00:03:39.535
Your perfect client is not
gonna read a 25 page long PDF.
00:03:40.208 --> 00:03:43.800
Your perfect client is a D on the DiSC.
00:03:43.800 --> 00:03:45.736
They're dominant,
they're results oriented.
00:03:45.736 --> 00:03:49.590
They wanna get things done quickly.
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You know, they're not big into talking
00:03:53.490 --> 00:03:55.830
about their family and friends.
00:03:55.830 --> 00:03:58.128
They just want results
and they want it now.
00:03:58.128 --> 00:03:59.880
And they want bullet points.
00:03:59.880 --> 00:04:01.620
They're not gonna read
the big long documents.
00:04:01.620 --> 00:04:04.800
And so I was just like, I think we need
00:04:04.800 --> 00:04:07.200
to probably rethink your
strategy when it comes
00:04:07.200 --> 00:04:08.910
to communicating with your perfect client,
00:04:08.910 --> 00:04:11.200
because you're giving
them too much information
00:04:11.200 --> 00:04:14.240
and it's system overwhelm
and they're not gonna buy.
00:04:14.240 --> 00:04:16.032
They're not gonna buy.
- Yep.
00:04:16.032 --> 00:04:18.425
- And so, you know, it was such a,
00:04:18.425 --> 00:04:21.540
it was enlightening yet disheartening
00:04:21.540 --> 00:04:24.281
because I see this all
the time with clients
00:04:24.281 --> 00:04:29.160
that they spend so much money
with graphic design firms
00:04:29.160 --> 00:04:32.310
and all of the materials
and all the things
00:04:32.310 --> 00:04:34.020
that if you've worked in the, you know,
00:04:34.020 --> 00:04:35.850
in the professional world,
in the corporate world
00:04:35.850 --> 00:04:38.270
like I have, I mean, your brain is wired
00:04:38.270 --> 00:04:40.560
to think that that's what you need
00:04:40.560 --> 00:04:42.947
to have in order to be successful.
00:04:42.947 --> 00:04:46.011
And really the reality is
you need to be thinking
00:04:46.011 --> 00:04:49.860
about who's your perfect
client and what are they going
00:04:49.860 --> 00:04:52.325
to need from me in order
to click the buy button,
00:04:52.325 --> 00:04:54.720
schedule the appointment,
whatever the thing is.
00:04:54.720 --> 00:04:57.767
So I thought that was
probably the best example
00:04:57.767 --> 00:05:01.320
of why it is so important
to really have a deep dive
00:05:01.320 --> 00:05:03.577
and know who you're talking to.
00:05:03.577 --> 00:05:05.393
- I think there was so
much important stuff
00:05:05.393 --> 00:05:08.274
in that to unpack like too,
because like we're told
00:05:08.274 --> 00:05:10.428
all the time that for digital marketing
00:05:10.428 --> 00:05:12.163
you have to create these big lead magnets,
00:05:12.163 --> 00:05:15.450
which is why everybody
goes and they create eBooks
00:05:15.450 --> 00:05:16.737
and they create checklists-
- Yes.
00:05:16.737 --> 00:05:18.152
- And they create all this stuff,
00:05:18.152 --> 00:05:19.710
but they do it-
- Oh yeah.
00:05:19.710 --> 00:05:20.807
- Because you're supposed to-
00:05:20.807 --> 00:05:22.020
- Right.
- Not because
00:05:22.020 --> 00:05:23.910
they actually know how
it's gonna help someone.
00:05:23.910 --> 00:05:25.590
So I think that's really powerful.
00:05:25.590 --> 00:05:27.360
And then you have the sunk cost bias,
00:05:27.360 --> 00:05:29.700
'cause those things are
time consuming to create.
00:05:29.700 --> 00:05:31.260
- Oh my gosh.
- Whether you're hiring
00:05:31.260 --> 00:05:32.610
someone else to help you design it
00:05:32.610 --> 00:05:35.340
or you're trying to sit
there with like Canva or Word
00:05:35.340 --> 00:05:37.139
or whatever and put
something together yourself.
00:05:37.139 --> 00:05:38.103
- Yeah.
- Especially
00:05:38.103 --> 00:05:40.493
when you're talking
about people whose time
00:05:40.493 --> 00:05:42.809
for dollars is like anywhere from like 300
00:05:42.809 --> 00:05:44.604
to thousands-
- Yeah.
00:05:44.604 --> 00:05:46.380
- For an hour of their time.
00:05:46.380 --> 00:05:48.411
Like, I had one client that had,
00:05:48.411 --> 00:05:50.850
he would write his own
blog articles, for example.
00:05:50.850 --> 00:05:54.150
And he looked at how
long it was taking him
00:05:54.150 --> 00:05:56.550
and it was like six to eight
hours per blog article.
00:05:56.550 --> 00:05:57.829
- Oh my gosh.
- And he charged $375
00:05:57.829 --> 00:06:00.127
for an hour of his time.
00:06:00.127 --> 00:06:01.866
- Wow.
- And it was like, okay,
00:06:01.866 --> 00:06:04.350
look at what you would have
to pay me and my team to do it
00:06:04.350 --> 00:06:08.073
versus what you're paying,
'cause that, you're paying that.
00:06:09.156 --> 00:06:10.230
- Right, right.
- You might not be writing
00:06:10.230 --> 00:06:12.210
a check for it but you're paying that.
00:06:12.210 --> 00:06:13.527
And that's sunk cost bias where it's like,
00:06:13.527 --> 00:06:16.830
well, I've invested in
it, this is how I need
00:06:16.830 --> 00:06:17.880
to make my money back.
00:06:17.880 --> 00:06:19.941
I've had these five PDFs created,
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I've got to use them to generate leads.
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It's like, but if that's not the best way-
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- Yeah.
- You'd have to be able
00:06:25.890 --> 00:06:27.930
to say like, okay, that's great,
00:06:27.930 --> 00:06:30.537
I learned from that, but
let's do what's gonna work.
00:06:30.537 --> 00:06:32.130
- Right, right.
- So it's like,
00:06:32.130 --> 00:06:33.450
there's so much to unpack.
- Completely agree.
00:06:33.450 --> 00:06:35.610
- From that little story
and that little moment.
00:06:35.610 --> 00:06:37.290
- Yeah.
00:06:37.290 --> 00:06:40.240
Well there is, because
again, I do feel like
00:06:40.240 --> 00:06:44.010
there is so, every business owner,
00:06:44.010 --> 00:06:46.484
every professional business
owner that I've ever talked to,
00:06:46.484 --> 00:06:48.570
the first thing that they wanna dive into
00:06:48.570 --> 00:06:50.547
is I need to get my website up.
00:06:50.547 --> 00:06:52.494
You know, I need to get
the logo package done.
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I need to have somebody develop
all these social media posts
00:06:55.626 --> 00:06:58.050
for me and they wanna be perfectly branded
00:06:58.050 --> 00:07:01.787
and perfectly curated
and they spend thousands
00:07:01.787 --> 00:07:03.510
and thousands of dollars.
00:07:03.510 --> 00:07:05.100
I have a lawyer client that I've worked
00:07:05.100 --> 00:07:07.080
with for a while now and it's like,
00:07:07.080 --> 00:07:10.471
she spent almost 10 grand on a website
00:07:10.471 --> 00:07:13.980
that within six months it
was completely different.
00:07:13.980 --> 00:07:16.351
Like, we had completely
transformed it because the website
00:07:16.351 --> 00:07:19.020
really, the messaging on our website
00:07:19.020 --> 00:07:22.740
didn't reflect her brand at all, you know?
00:07:22.740 --> 00:07:24.660
- Yeah.
- And so it's just,
00:07:24.660 --> 00:07:27.480
it's, we're just so wired
to think that, okay,
00:07:27.480 --> 00:07:30.211
we have to have these things
in order for people to find us
00:07:30.211 --> 00:07:33.090
and to trust us and to think that we're,
00:07:33.090 --> 00:07:34.980
we have pretty material
and that kinda thing.
00:07:34.980 --> 00:07:36.390
And it's just like, oh no, no, no, no.
00:07:36.390 --> 00:07:38.550
People just want a
result and they want you
00:07:38.550 --> 00:07:39.990
to help them achieve that.
00:07:39.990 --> 00:07:41.491
That's it, you know.
- Yeah.
00:07:41.491 --> 00:07:43.650
Yeah, there's so much truth to that.
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Like, I was talking with
one lady that's a life coach
00:07:45.774 --> 00:07:49.457
and she had been a life coach
in the past and had done okay.
00:07:49.457 --> 00:07:52.020
But she kept trying to do
the digital marketing thing,
00:07:52.020 --> 00:07:52.950
struggling to get leads.
00:07:52.950 --> 00:07:55.440
So she had stepped away from
it and was really wanting
00:07:55.440 --> 00:07:57.201
to go back, that was what
she really enjoyed doing.
00:07:57.201 --> 00:07:59.233
And she's like, yeah,
I just, I don't have,
00:07:59.233 --> 00:08:02.114
I haven't had the time with my
day job to put into building
00:08:02.114 --> 00:08:04.620
my website and writing my blog
articles to, and I'm like,
00:08:04.620 --> 00:08:07.650
how much do you charge
for life coaching a month?
00:08:07.650 --> 00:08:09.420
So she's like, well, you know, a $1,000.
00:08:09.420 --> 00:08:11.460
I'm like, so would $10,000 a month
00:08:11.460 --> 00:08:12.690
mean you could leave the day job?
00:08:12.690 --> 00:08:13.980
She's like, well, yeah obviously,
00:08:13.980 --> 00:08:15.526
so you need 10 clients.
00:08:15.526 --> 00:08:16.750
You just need 10 clients.
00:08:16.750 --> 00:08:18.300
- Yeah.
- You don't need
00:08:18.300 --> 00:08:19.890
a big marketing machine.
00:08:19.890 --> 00:08:20.834
- Yeah.
- You don't need a website,
00:08:20.834 --> 00:08:22.590
a big lead funnel, paid ads.
00:08:22.590 --> 00:08:26.940
Like all you need to go like
talk to people, be willing
00:08:26.940 --> 00:08:27.780
to get the phone call-
- Right.
00:08:27.780 --> 00:08:29.790
- Spend an hour or two a
day, go messaging people-
00:08:29.790 --> 00:08:30.960
- Yeah.
- Go talking to people,
00:08:30.960 --> 00:08:31.793
go get 10.
00:08:31.793 --> 00:08:33.270
- Yeah.
- When you have 10,000
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a month in revenue now you
can invest in marketing.
00:08:35.657 --> 00:08:37.001
- Right, right.
00:08:37.001 --> 00:08:37.834
Yeah, you know, when you
00:08:37.834 --> 00:08:40.590
break it down-
(Christina mumbles)
00:08:40.590 --> 00:08:43.477
I know but it's numbers and
people get scared by numbers.
00:08:43.477 --> 00:08:45.900
You know, that's the
other fascinating thing
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about it as well too.
00:08:47.100 --> 00:08:49.918
I mean, fortunately I'm married
to a CPA and so it's like,
00:08:49.918 --> 00:08:54.900
he is my numbers guy and he
keeps me legit on numbers
00:08:54.900 --> 00:08:56.160
that's for sure.
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But the truth, I mean, it's like,
00:08:57.870 --> 00:09:00.390
you've got to be able to
look to break it down.
00:09:00.390 --> 00:09:04.170
Okay, you know, if my revenue,
if I wanna make $50,000
00:09:04.170 --> 00:09:06.330
a month, what is that
actually gonna look like,
00:09:06.330 --> 00:09:07.247
you know, for me?
00:09:07.247 --> 00:09:10.440
And so, and when you, or $10,000 a month.
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I mean, but when you break it down,
00:09:11.850 --> 00:09:14.130
it doesn't seem so
daunting and overwhelming.
00:09:14.130 --> 00:09:15.600
- Yep.
- Whereas the big number
00:09:15.600 --> 00:09:17.655
seems really, really big
but you lead up into it.
00:09:17.655 --> 00:09:18.770
Yeah, and with you.
- And most people
00:09:18.770 --> 00:09:19.800
couldn't even handle it.
00:09:19.800 --> 00:09:22.500
And so that was probably
my biggest revelation
00:09:22.500 --> 00:09:25.087
when I first got into
digital marketing was like,
00:09:25.087 --> 00:09:26.517
people were like, I need more leads
00:09:26.517 --> 00:09:27.720
and they would hire us and they'd be like,
00:09:27.720 --> 00:09:28.560
okay, let's get more leads.
00:09:28.560 --> 00:09:30.450
And then we started having
problems where they were like,
00:09:30.450 --> 00:09:32.640
stop, we can't handle more leads.
00:09:32.640 --> 00:09:34.147
And it's like, but this is
what you said you wanted.
00:09:34.147 --> 00:09:37.713
And it was like, then I had to
step back and be like, okay,
00:09:37.713 --> 00:09:39.780
so let's have some realistic conversations
00:09:39.780 --> 00:09:41.057
before we start marketing.
- Right.
00:09:41.057 --> 00:09:42.720
- How many new leads
00:09:42.720 --> 00:09:44.400
can you realistically handle?
00:09:44.400 --> 00:09:45.401
How big do you want-
- Yeah,
00:09:45.401 --> 00:09:46.234
so true.
- To grow your business
00:09:46.234 --> 00:09:48.690
'cause marketing works.
00:09:48.690 --> 00:09:49.982
- Yeah.
00:09:49.982 --> 00:09:51.120
- It's hard to turn it off.
- Yeah.
00:09:51.120 --> 00:09:52.200
- Especially organic marketing.
00:09:52.200 --> 00:09:53.640
- Oh yeah.
- You start building
00:09:53.640 --> 00:09:55.170
an audience and now all of a sudden
00:09:55.170 --> 00:09:56.940
you've got 75% of your audience.
00:09:56.940 --> 00:09:59.010
It's mad because you can't
take them on as a client.
00:09:59.010 --> 00:10:01.423
You have a wait list, it's two years long-
00:10:01.423 --> 00:10:02.256
- Yeah.
- Like,
00:10:02.256 --> 00:10:04.710
if marketing work works,
you have a problem
00:10:04.710 --> 00:10:06.360
if you're not trying
to scale your business.
00:10:06.360 --> 00:10:07.560
- Oh absolutely.
- And I kept running
00:10:07.560 --> 00:10:09.420
into people that were just like, oh,
00:10:09.420 --> 00:10:11.280
I wanna scale my business,
I wanna scale my business
00:10:11.280 --> 00:10:12.113
but not really.
00:10:12.113 --> 00:10:13.796
They're like, I just really want like five
00:10:13.796 --> 00:10:15.480
more really good clients.
00:10:15.480 --> 00:10:17.660
Like I don't want to hire a
team, I want to do this myself.
00:10:17.660 --> 00:10:19.680
I want and I'm like, okay.
- Yeah.
00:10:19.680 --> 00:10:22.023
- You don't really need to hire me.
00:10:22.860 --> 00:10:24.572
You need to have me
maybe consult with you,
00:10:24.572 --> 00:10:27.331
but you don't need a marketing machine.
00:10:27.331 --> 00:10:28.164
- Right.
- You need a little bit
00:10:28.164 --> 00:10:30.750
of advice on not wasting
your money in the wrong areas
00:10:30.750 --> 00:10:32.053
and that's kind of what you need.
00:10:32.053 --> 00:10:32.960
- Yeah.
00:10:32.960 --> 00:10:34.110
Oh yeah.
- That was revelation
00:10:34.110 --> 00:10:36.024
to me that, you know, people really
00:10:36.024 --> 00:10:36.857
- Yeah.
00:10:36.857 --> 00:10:37.690
- 'Cause they don't understand,
00:10:37.690 --> 00:10:39.420
they don't think about if
we market and the impact
00:10:39.420 --> 00:10:41.910
that's gonna have on your
business and on your life.
00:10:41.910 --> 00:10:43.560
And you know, they're like, oh, well,
00:10:43.560 --> 00:10:45.210
so and so said, I need to do this.
00:10:45.210 --> 00:10:46.620
I need to make lead generators.
00:10:46.620 --> 00:10:47.985
I need to redo my website.
00:10:47.985 --> 00:10:50.130
I need to host a challenge.
00:10:50.130 --> 00:10:51.600
I need to do a webinar.
00:10:51.600 --> 00:10:53.430
- Oh my God.
- I need to...
00:10:53.430 --> 00:10:55.200
And it's like, but do you really?
00:10:55.200 --> 00:10:56.220
Is that really the best
00:10:56.220 --> 00:10:57.224
you can do with your time?
- Yeah, no.
00:10:57.224 --> 00:10:58.057
- Like, those things
00:10:58.057 --> 00:10:59.872
are way more complicated
than people realize.
00:10:59.872 --> 00:11:01.050
- Yeah.
- And they just like,
00:11:01.050 --> 00:11:03.000
they need to do them.
00:11:03.000 --> 00:11:04.326
- Well, and it's just
go back to the basics.
00:11:04.326 --> 00:11:07.530
You know, one thing that
I have done myself here
00:11:07.530 --> 00:11:10.628
within the past few months is
scale back on social media.
00:11:10.628 --> 00:11:12.304
I still have a social media presence.
00:11:12.304 --> 00:11:15.060
I mean, I had a graphic design.
00:11:15.060 --> 00:11:17.550
I like, I push stuff out daily.
00:11:17.550 --> 00:11:19.773
So people, you know, when
they come to my Instagram page
00:11:19.773 --> 00:11:21.754
or they go to LinkedIn or whatever,
00:11:21.754 --> 00:11:25.244
they can scroll like many countless times
00:11:25.244 --> 00:11:27.663
and get tons of educational content.
00:11:27.663 --> 00:11:30.000
So I'm good.
00:11:30.000 --> 00:11:31.445
Like, I've developed that.
00:11:31.445 --> 00:11:33.709
When people hear about
me and they go search me,
00:11:33.709 --> 00:11:36.203
they're gonna find all
sorts of stuff about me.
00:11:36.203 --> 00:11:38.906
But at the end of the day, I do,
00:11:38.906 --> 00:11:42.348
how I get my people is
through in person events,
00:11:42.348 --> 00:11:45.480
you know, and just
being a avail, you know,
00:11:45.480 --> 00:11:47.293
picking up the phone, go, I play golf.
00:11:47.293 --> 00:11:49.532
And so it's like, who
can I go play golf with?
00:11:49.532 --> 00:11:51.251
I mean, who can I go network with?
00:11:51.251 --> 00:11:53.604
I was in Miami at a big, you know,
00:11:53.604 --> 00:11:56.730
conference last week and
picked up a few people
00:11:56.730 --> 00:11:58.260
that I'm starting to work with now too.
00:11:58.260 --> 00:12:00.633
And it's just, that's how I lead generate.
00:12:00.633 --> 00:12:04.050
And so it's so important, I
tell my clients all the time,
00:12:04.050 --> 00:12:05.997
it's like, especially I work
with professional people.
00:12:05.997 --> 00:12:08.287
So I've got a commercial
mortgage broker that I work with
00:12:08.287 --> 00:12:11.070
and she specifically works in multifamily.
00:12:11.070 --> 00:12:12.422
It's super, super niche market,
00:12:12.422 --> 00:12:13.650
- Yep.
00:12:13.650 --> 00:12:15.390
- And some of my lawyers that I work with,
00:12:15.390 --> 00:12:17.299
very, very niche markets
there as well too.
00:12:17.299 --> 00:12:20.340
And it's like, you just
wanna have content out there
00:12:20.340 --> 00:12:22.870
to where when people come and
find you, you you're legit.
00:12:22.870 --> 00:12:26.370
You, you know, they can watch your videos
00:12:26.370 --> 00:12:28.063
and see that, you know, what
the heck you're talking about,
00:12:28.063 --> 00:12:29.880
you know, and it's developing that,
00:12:29.880 --> 00:12:32.520
no I can trust factor to where
when they hop on the phone
00:12:32.520 --> 00:12:36.113
with you, they're already
80% sold as it is anyway.
00:12:36.113 --> 00:12:37.613
They just wanna hear from you, you know?
00:12:37.613 --> 00:12:40.481
- Yeah.
- And so just have a presence,
00:12:40.481 --> 00:12:43.020
be intentional about where you're going,
00:12:43.020 --> 00:12:45.030
where's your highest and best use of time,
00:12:45.030 --> 00:12:46.530
effort, energy, and resources
00:12:46.530 --> 00:12:48.547
and that's where you tap into
00:12:48.547 --> 00:12:49.830
because you're right.
00:12:49.830 --> 00:12:51.360
So many people are just, it's like,
00:12:51.360 --> 00:12:53.139
they're just checking
the box to say, okay,
00:12:53.139 --> 00:12:55.140
I've got the social media.
00:12:55.140 --> 00:12:56.430
And okay, check, done.
00:12:56.430 --> 00:12:58.140
I send out the email marketing.
00:12:58.140 --> 00:12:58.973
Check, done.
00:12:58.973 --> 00:13:01.274
Okay, well, are we being
intentional with the messaging?
00:13:01.274 --> 00:13:03.480
Are we being intentional
with the communication
00:13:03.480 --> 00:13:04.350
that we're sitting at?
00:13:04.350 --> 00:13:06.090
Are we actually connecting with the people
00:13:06.090 --> 00:13:08.220
that are gonna get us where
we wanna be, you know,
00:13:08.220 --> 00:13:09.783
with our business and
that kind of thing too?
00:13:09.783 --> 00:13:12.388
And that's a huge part of it as well.
00:13:12.388 --> 00:13:13.985
I mean, at least it is for me.
00:13:13.985 --> 00:13:15.677
- Yep, oh no I 100% agree.
00:13:15.677 --> 00:13:17.580
It was like, that was a revelation
00:13:17.580 --> 00:13:19.864
I had probably four or five years ago.
00:13:19.864 --> 00:13:22.662
We started doing more work
with other marketing agencies.
00:13:22.662 --> 00:13:24.328
Like, they were hiring us out to do stuff
00:13:24.328 --> 00:13:25.467
for them.
- Yeah.
00:13:25.467 --> 00:13:27.180
- And it was like, you would ask them,
00:13:27.180 --> 00:13:28.440
where are you getting
most of your business?
00:13:28.440 --> 00:13:29.850
Like, oh, word of mouth and events.
00:13:29.850 --> 00:13:31.290
I'm like, okay, do you help your clients
00:13:31.290 --> 00:13:32.370
with word of mouth and events?
00:13:32.370 --> 00:13:33.450
Like, is that part of the market?
00:13:33.450 --> 00:13:35.787
No, we do blog articles, we do social.
00:13:35.787 --> 00:13:39.600
And I'm like, so the number
one way that you get business
00:13:39.600 --> 00:13:41.730
you have not figured out
how to help your clients-
00:13:41.730 --> 00:13:42.563
- Yeah.
- Who are
00:13:42.563 --> 00:13:44.223
also getting business
the same way right now
00:13:44.223 --> 00:13:46.080
amplify that-
- Yeah.
00:13:46.080 --> 00:13:47.695
- Like that's, it just
makes so much sense.
00:13:47.695 --> 00:13:48.990
- Oh, preach.
- I was like,
00:13:48.990 --> 00:13:51.673
that was where the for
accelerator got born,
00:13:51.673 --> 00:13:53.040
you know, 'cause we're working with,
00:13:53.040 --> 00:13:54.960
that's our slight difference
for the audience members.
00:13:54.960 --> 00:13:56.340
We talked about this ahead of time.
00:13:56.340 --> 00:13:59.078
I work primarily with like
coaches, consultants, agencies,
00:13:59.078 --> 00:14:02.678
people that deliver services
where like she's working more
00:14:02.678 --> 00:14:06.623
with like lawyers, with
financial advisors,
00:14:06.623 --> 00:14:10.279
with people that are, so it's
little bit slightly different.
00:14:10.279 --> 00:14:11.637
- Yeah, yeah.
- I mean,
00:14:11.637 --> 00:14:14.466
your people know like most
people assume they know
00:14:14.466 --> 00:14:17.460
what your clients do where nobody knows-
00:14:17.460 --> 00:14:18.510
- Yeah.
- What my clients do.
00:14:18.510 --> 00:14:20.581
And we... (laughs)
00:14:20.581 --> 00:14:23.271
So there's still messaging
challenges on both sides-
00:14:23.271 --> 00:14:24.110
- There are.
- Which is
00:14:24.110 --> 00:14:26.118
an interesting thing to think about there.
00:14:26.118 --> 00:14:27.870
- Yeah.
- But yeah,
00:14:27.870 --> 00:14:29.430
that was part of why we
started doing accelerator
00:14:29.430 --> 00:14:30.900
was to literally check off the boxes.
00:14:30.900 --> 00:14:32.430
It's like in 12 weeks,
let's just check off
00:14:32.430 --> 00:14:33.931
the boxes that make you
look credible online
00:14:33.931 --> 00:14:36.870
and now let's work on just amplifying.
00:14:36.870 --> 00:14:38.075
- Yeah.
- Get you at more events,
00:14:38.075 --> 00:14:39.900
get you doing more podcast
00:14:39.900 --> 00:14:40.733
- Oh yeah.
00:14:40.733 --> 00:14:41.566
- Get you,
00:14:41.566 --> 00:14:42.399
you get clients that way.
00:14:42.399 --> 00:14:44.430
And it's like, you could
write a thousand blog articles
00:14:44.430 --> 00:14:46.996
or you can write enough to make Google
00:14:46.996 --> 00:14:48.480
and the people that look you up
00:14:48.480 --> 00:14:50.160
see you as an authority on a topic.
00:14:50.160 --> 00:14:51.592
- Like-
- Absolutely,
00:14:51.592 --> 00:14:52.425
- It doesn't have
00:14:52.425 --> 00:14:54.060
to be like infinity and beyond.
00:14:54.060 --> 00:14:55.350
Eventually you're gonna repeat yourself.
00:14:55.350 --> 00:14:56.760
There's only so much you can talk about,
00:14:56.760 --> 00:14:57.785
like you're not gonna write-
00:14:57.785 --> 00:14:58.848
- Absolutely.
- 5,000 blog articles.
00:14:58.848 --> 00:15:00.886
You need a hundred that are really good
00:15:00.886 --> 00:15:02.321
on all the things.
- Right.
00:15:02.321 --> 00:15:03.344
- And you're good.
00:15:03.344 --> 00:15:04.177
- Right.
- You know,
00:15:04.177 --> 00:15:05.010
might not be even 100.
- Yeah.
00:15:05.010 --> 00:15:05.843
- Depending on what they're talking about.
00:15:05.843 --> 00:15:06.676
- Yeah.
- 30 might,
00:15:06.676 --> 00:15:07.546
do you know.
- Oh.
00:15:07.546 --> 00:15:08.379
It's so true.
00:15:08.379 --> 00:15:10.920
And Christina, you know, it
just made me think about,
00:15:10.920 --> 00:15:12.900
I have a client, a
commercial mortgage broker
00:15:12.900 --> 00:15:13.950
that I work with.
00:15:13.950 --> 00:15:16.121
And now that the world is opening back up,
00:15:16.121 --> 00:15:19.080
she's a fabulous speaker, especially
00:15:19.080 --> 00:15:21.723
in a commercial real
estate, you know, sector.
00:15:22.680 --> 00:15:24.789
And she gets invited to
speak at conferences.
00:15:24.789 --> 00:15:28.530
And so she's already
been, I think two already
00:15:28.530 --> 00:15:30.930
this spring and she has
another three lined up in June.
00:15:30.930 --> 00:15:32.798
And so part of my working with her is,
00:15:32.798 --> 00:15:36.120
okay, what's your unique
value proposition?
00:15:36.120 --> 00:15:37.650
What's your, you know, special messaging
00:15:37.650 --> 00:15:39.930
that we want to make sure
that people who hear you,
00:15:39.930 --> 00:15:41.790
they walk away knowing,
okay, she's the girl
00:15:41.790 --> 00:15:43.257
who does X, Y, and Z, right?
00:15:43.257 --> 00:15:46.950
But then also when she goes
to these conference events
00:15:46.950 --> 00:15:49.219
and she has the opportunity to
speak to thousands of people,
00:15:49.219 --> 00:15:53.400
how can we maximize her
opportunity at that event?
00:15:53.400 --> 00:15:54.330
- Yeah.
- What can we do
00:15:54.330 --> 00:15:56.850
to get people in her,
you know, email pipeline?
00:15:56.850 --> 00:15:59.718
I mean, this woman for as
niche as her industry is
00:15:59.718 --> 00:16:03.920
her email list is bigger than most coaches
00:16:03.920 --> 00:16:06.270
that I have worked with
before in the past.
00:16:06.270 --> 00:16:07.809
- Yep.
- Because she's so intentional
00:16:07.809 --> 00:16:11.814
about leveraging that time, maximizing it.
00:16:11.814 --> 00:16:14.993
And we develop material
to get these people
00:16:14.993 --> 00:16:17.413
to sign up on her email
list and, you know,
00:16:17.413 --> 00:16:20.187
get her blog posts that
we produce twice a month.
00:16:20.187 --> 00:16:21.060
And that kind of thing.
00:16:21.060 --> 00:16:23.340
I mean, it's just, that that's you lev,
00:16:23.340 --> 00:16:24.173
again, highest and best use.
00:16:24.173 --> 00:16:25.860
I mean, I swear I preach that
00:16:25.860 --> 00:16:26.693
all the time.
- Yep.
00:16:26.693 --> 00:16:27.840
- What's your highest and best use?
00:16:27.840 --> 00:16:29.215
And not everybody is gonna be in person,
00:16:29.215 --> 00:16:30.727
not everybody's gonna be a speaker
00:16:30.727 --> 00:16:32.796
who goes on a big stage, right.
00:16:32.796 --> 00:16:37.796
But you figure out again, based
on what feels best to you,
00:16:38.049 --> 00:16:40.654
what is gonna be best
for your personality?
00:16:40.654 --> 00:16:43.356
And then we fill in
the gaps is what we do.
00:16:43.356 --> 00:16:44.189
- Yeah.
- 'Cause it's not gonna
00:16:44.189 --> 00:16:45.526
be the same for everyone.
00:16:45.526 --> 00:16:47.206
- I mean, we talked
about that a little bit
00:16:47.206 --> 00:16:49.305
before the call too, even like
different video strategies
00:16:49.305 --> 00:16:52.568
because it's like, some people
are great getting on a stage.
00:16:52.568 --> 00:16:54.527
They can talk, they're engaging.
00:16:54.527 --> 00:16:56.940
They go, some people do like I do
00:16:56.940 --> 00:16:58.980
where I just turn into like a librarian
00:16:58.980 --> 00:17:01.583
or like the worst teacher you
ever had in elementary school
00:17:01.583 --> 00:17:03.946
and you're trying to stay awake.
00:17:03.946 --> 00:17:06.360
But like in an interview
format I'm engaging,
00:17:06.360 --> 00:17:07.831
I've got somebody to play off of.
00:17:07.831 --> 00:17:08.923
Like if I can play off of somebody-
00:17:08.923 --> 00:17:10.860
- Right.
- I'm good, I'm great.
00:17:10.860 --> 00:17:11.693
I'm fine.
- Yeah,
00:17:11.693 --> 00:17:13.612
- So interviewing versus,
00:17:13.612 --> 00:17:16.856
or being in a situation like
even when I was teaching
00:17:16.856 --> 00:17:19.800
in person for like the local
chamber and stuff like that,
00:17:19.800 --> 00:17:22.442
and I'd host workshops,
I had to like start
00:17:22.442 --> 00:17:24.840
the thing by asking different
people in the audience
00:17:24.840 --> 00:17:25.673
to tell me about them.
00:17:25.673 --> 00:17:27.010
- Yes.
- That was the only way
00:17:27.010 --> 00:17:28.560
I could do it otherwise
I was presenting dry.
00:17:28.560 --> 00:17:29.857
So it's like, it really is-
- Yeah.
00:17:29.857 --> 00:17:33.000
- You know, what works for
you and just finding it out.
00:17:33.000 --> 00:17:33.833
- Yeah.
- I mean,
00:17:33.833 --> 00:17:34.740
it's so tricky-
- Oh, yeah.
00:17:34.740 --> 00:17:37.080
- To figure it out sometimes like-
00:17:37.080 --> 00:17:39.404
- Well, and I think also it's, you know,
00:17:39.404 --> 00:17:42.330
I think a lot of us, in fact, gosh,
00:17:42.330 --> 00:17:43.914
high powered women that I work with,
00:17:43.914 --> 00:17:45.770
they still struggle with imposter syndrome
00:17:45.770 --> 00:17:48.580
and what are other people
gonna think about me too.
00:17:48.580 --> 00:17:50.070
- Yeah.
- They have those.
00:17:50.070 --> 00:17:54.128
I was at a conference last
week with women leaders who,
00:17:54.128 --> 00:17:58.754
C-suite, who were operating
$500 million corporations
00:17:58.754 --> 00:18:00.656
down to startups.
00:18:00.656 --> 00:18:05.333
They all feel the same things,
you know, am, you know,
00:18:05.333 --> 00:18:07.290
do people really wanna listen to me?
00:18:07.290 --> 00:18:09.210
What am I gonna say
that's really gonna make,
00:18:09.210 --> 00:18:11.980
you know, make a difference,
change the room, whatever?
00:18:11.980 --> 00:18:15.660
You know, and it's just,
you have to lean into,
00:18:15.660 --> 00:18:17.730
what's gonna, what feels best to you
00:18:17.730 --> 00:18:20.430
because if you're not being,
if you're not at your highest
00:18:20.430 --> 00:18:22.371
and best use like what you just said,
00:18:22.371 --> 00:18:23.704
you know, with you,
you know, that you have
00:18:23.704 --> 00:18:25.830
to have somebody there to
be able to play off of.
00:18:25.830 --> 00:18:27.435
I totally get that.
00:18:27.435 --> 00:18:32.435
I can walk into a room and talk for hours
00:18:32.668 --> 00:18:36.407
and just kind of, and get a
feel for what, how people are,
00:18:36.407 --> 00:18:38.910
you know, their body
language and that kinda,
00:18:38.910 --> 00:18:40.450
I mean, that's my special sauce, you know?
00:18:40.450 --> 00:18:43.348
And so it's just, you really
do have to figure out,
00:18:43.348 --> 00:18:46.919
okay, what's gonna be,
what's gonna feel good to you
00:18:46.919 --> 00:18:48.825
because if it doesn't feel right,
00:18:48.825 --> 00:18:52.320
if it doesn't feel good to
you're not gonna do it well
00:18:52.320 --> 00:18:53.370
and it's not gonna land well
00:18:53.370 --> 00:18:54.390
with your perfect client either.
00:18:54.390 --> 00:18:56.220
- Yep.
- And so it's gonna be off
00:18:56.220 --> 00:18:57.053
or not.
00:18:57.053 --> 00:19:00.540
And so I'd rather use our
precious time, you know,
00:19:00.540 --> 00:19:02.571
doing things that really light us up
00:19:02.571 --> 00:19:06.690
and feel authentic to us because that way
00:19:06.690 --> 00:19:09.780
the message will land so much
better if you do it that way
00:19:09.780 --> 00:19:12.257
versus trying to force
it to happen, you know?
00:19:12.257 --> 00:19:14.163
- Yeah, and you attract
some of the right clients.
00:19:14.163 --> 00:19:15.933
Like I think even looking
at the type of clients
00:19:15.933 --> 00:19:18.180
that you like to work with,
I think it's maybe easier
00:19:18.180 --> 00:19:20.100
to understand that it is with coaches.
00:19:20.100 --> 00:19:23.067
Like if you look at like
a lawyer, for example,
00:19:23.067 --> 00:19:25.450
you would think, oh, they
practice this kind of law.
00:19:25.450 --> 00:19:27.057
Like, maybe they practice divorce law.
00:19:27.057 --> 00:19:29.250
So anybody and everybody
who needs a divorce
00:19:29.250 --> 00:19:31.370
should work with that
lawyer but that's not true.
00:19:31.370 --> 00:19:32.640
It's just not true.
00:19:32.640 --> 00:19:33.990
- Not true.
- And they don't want
00:19:33.990 --> 00:19:36.250
to work with anybody and
everybody that needs a divorce.
00:19:36.250 --> 00:19:37.260
- Yeah.
- They want
00:19:37.260 --> 00:19:39.678
the opportunity to choose
which clients they take
00:19:39.678 --> 00:19:42.118
and which ones they don't.
- Yeah.
00:19:42.118 --> 00:19:43.451
Oh, 100%.
- I think it's easier
00:19:43.451 --> 00:19:45.284
for people to understand that scenario
00:19:45.284 --> 00:19:47.190
than it is but like when you turn around
00:19:47.190 --> 00:19:48.063
to like my side of the fence with coaches.
00:19:48.063 --> 00:19:50.856
It's like, oh, I can help
anyone, anyone with a business,
00:19:50.856 --> 00:19:52.260
anyone with a business.
00:19:52.260 --> 00:19:54.132
It's like, yeah but can you really?
00:19:54.132 --> 00:19:55.407
Should you really?
- Yeah.
00:19:55.407 --> 00:19:56.874
- You want to really?
- Should you?
00:19:56.874 --> 00:19:58.386
00:19:58.386 --> 00:20:01.761
And, I think the same
thing holds true also,
00:20:01.761 --> 00:20:03.901
I mean, I just, as you said that
00:20:03.901 --> 00:20:06.810
it made me think about two lawyers
00:20:06.810 --> 00:20:08.220
that I've worked with before in the past.
00:20:08.220 --> 00:20:10.247
They were both family lawyers
so they deal with divorce,
00:20:10.247 --> 00:20:12.891
child custody, visitation,
all of the guardianship,
00:20:12.891 --> 00:20:13.941
that kinda thing.
00:20:13.941 --> 00:20:18.294
And one of their personality
was, she was very much,
00:20:18.294 --> 00:20:20.160
I'm just gonna call it a bulldog.
00:20:20.160 --> 00:20:21.780
I mean, she called
herself that as well too,
00:20:21.780 --> 00:20:23.363
she was just kinda a bulldog, you know.
00:20:23.363 --> 00:20:27.510
Tough, which, you know,
there's a part of me,
00:20:27.510 --> 00:20:29.730
it's kinda like, well, if
I needed somebody like that
00:20:29.730 --> 00:20:31.708
to go in and just completely
be tough in court,
00:20:31.708 --> 00:20:33.653
I mean, she's probably your girl.
00:20:33.653 --> 00:20:36.720
The other one had more
of a holistic approach
00:20:36.720 --> 00:20:40.735
to divorce and you know,
how can we provide,
00:20:40.735 --> 00:20:43.800
if a woman hasn't worked in 20 years,
00:20:43.800 --> 00:20:45.540
you know, she would actually, you know,
00:20:45.540 --> 00:20:48.600
hook her up with a career
counselor to be able
00:20:48.600 --> 00:20:50.592
to help her figure out how she
was gonna maintain, you know,
00:20:50.592 --> 00:20:53.087
get revenue in the door
and that kinda thing.
00:20:53.087 --> 00:20:55.813
She had connections with, you know,
00:20:55.813 --> 00:20:58.980
grief counseling with grief counselors.
00:20:58.980 --> 00:21:01.104
And she would, you know, get children in
00:21:01.104 --> 00:21:02.760
and get them in grief counseling.
00:21:02.760 --> 00:21:06.610
And so her approach was entirely
different than my bulldog,
00:21:06.610 --> 00:21:07.860
- Yep.
00:21:07.860 --> 00:21:10.140
- And so, and the messaging
styles are very different too
00:21:10.140 --> 00:21:12.795
because they both appeal to
very different types of people.
00:21:12.795 --> 00:21:15.261
And the good news is is
that there's so many,
00:21:15.261 --> 00:21:18.030
so many lawyers, so many coaches,
00:21:18.030 --> 00:21:19.620
so many marketing agencies out there,
00:21:19.620 --> 00:21:20.987
you're gonna find
somebody who's gonna land
00:21:20.987 --> 00:21:23.969
and resonate with you
no matter who they are.
00:21:23.969 --> 00:21:24.802
But your messages matter.
- And I think
00:21:24.802 --> 00:21:26.940
that kinda works on both sides for like,
00:21:26.940 --> 00:21:28.080
or, you know, the types of clients
00:21:28.080 --> 00:21:30.060
we like to work with to
really start thinking about,
00:21:30.060 --> 00:21:31.890
you know, you're,
nicheing, how can you speak
00:21:31.890 --> 00:21:33.840
to the right people, how can you like work
00:21:33.840 --> 00:21:35.520
with the people that
give you energy instead
00:21:35.520 --> 00:21:36.353
of taking your energy.
00:21:36.353 --> 00:21:37.740
- Yeah.
- But then on the other side,
00:21:37.740 --> 00:21:41.850
like if you're shopping
for people, go watch stuff,
00:21:41.850 --> 00:21:42.683
go see what they do.
00:21:42.683 --> 00:21:43.520
Go watch their podcast episode-
00:21:43.520 --> 00:21:44.880
- Absolutely.
- Go watch
00:21:44.880 --> 00:21:46.860
the videos on YouTube, go watch recordings
00:21:46.860 --> 00:21:47.970
where they've been speaking.
00:21:47.970 --> 00:21:49.470
If you have an opportunity to go sit down
00:21:49.470 --> 00:21:51.330
and watch some speak
in person, go do that.
00:21:51.330 --> 00:21:52.380
Because like-
- Yeah.
00:21:52.380 --> 00:21:54.061
- They're gonna be happier,
you're gonna be happier
00:21:54.061 --> 00:21:56.767
and you're both gonna get the
results you're looking for
00:21:56.767 --> 00:22:00.090
if you like working together, if you get
00:22:00.090 --> 00:22:00.923
each other energy-
- Oh, absolutely.
00:22:00.923 --> 00:22:03.580
- Instead of taking energy,
like it's just gonna-
00:22:03.580 --> 00:22:04.789
- Yeah.
- Work so much better.
00:22:04.789 --> 00:22:06.528
So I think that's such important advice
00:22:06.528 --> 00:22:08.760
from both sides of the fence.
00:22:08.760 --> 00:22:10.620
Like, don't just go
hire a marketing agency
00:22:10.620 --> 00:22:12.013
because they seem impressive.
00:22:12.013 --> 00:22:14.943
Go hire them because you fit.
- Oh, yes.
00:22:16.554 --> 00:22:21.554
I mean, I swear, I talk
about this on video a lot.
00:22:22.320 --> 00:22:24.839
It's like, don't hire the marketing agency
00:22:24.839 --> 00:22:26.993
because they have the big flashy name
00:22:26.993 --> 00:22:31.530
and the downtown office
suite and they play golf
00:22:31.530 --> 00:22:33.897
at your country club.
- The big name clients
00:22:33.897 --> 00:22:36.720
that are nothing like
you, like, they're like,
00:22:36.720 --> 00:22:40.140
oh, I've worked for
AT&T and Dell and okay,
00:22:40.140 --> 00:22:42.620
but you're like a two person business.
00:22:42.620 --> 00:22:44.177
- Yes.
- You're not Dell.
00:22:44.177 --> 00:22:46.654
They don't know how to work with you.
00:22:46.654 --> 00:22:47.777
- That's...
00:22:47.777 --> 00:22:48.990
Oh, my God.
00:22:48.990 --> 00:22:49.920
Oh my God.
00:22:49.920 --> 00:22:54.090
I was working with an
interior designer who,
00:22:54.090 --> 00:22:57.639
a high-end interior designer
here in North Texas.
00:22:57.639 --> 00:23:00.690
And she does beautiful work like she does.
00:23:00.690 --> 00:23:03.977
She's amazing, she's a
creative genius, you know, and,
00:23:03.977 --> 00:23:07.110
but it's just her and two
other people, like part-timers,
00:23:07.110 --> 00:23:08.637
so she's the only full-time employee
00:23:08.637 --> 00:23:10.034
and two other part-timers, right.
00:23:10.034 --> 00:23:12.050
And so we were talking about marketing
00:23:12.050 --> 00:23:14.037
and that kind of thing and
she was just very adamant
00:23:14.037 --> 00:23:15.468
about ads.
00:23:15.468 --> 00:23:17.160
- Yep.
- And she was just like,
00:23:17.160 --> 00:23:21.180
well, my sister-in-law is, I don't know,
00:23:21.180 --> 00:23:24.805
VP of marketing for a big, huge retail.
00:23:24.805 --> 00:23:26.092
I'm not gonna say the name but big-
00:23:26.092 --> 00:23:27.812
- Yep.
- Big, huge retail,
00:23:27.812 --> 00:23:30.628
like 500 million plus, right?
00:23:30.628 --> 00:23:34.680
And she was like, and she says
that I need to be, you know,
00:23:34.680 --> 00:23:36.480
doing Facebook and Instagram ads.
00:23:36.480 --> 00:23:38.901
And I was like, did she tell you how much
00:23:38.901 --> 00:23:41.213
you would have to spend each month
00:23:41.213 --> 00:23:45.570
in order for you to be
seen by all of the people
00:23:45.570 --> 00:23:47.430
that you wanna be seen by 'cause she wants
00:23:47.430 --> 00:23:49.556
to be a regional decorator
and all of this stuff?
00:23:49.556 --> 00:23:51.600
And she was like, no, we
didn't really talk about that.
00:23:51.600 --> 00:23:53.550
I was like, well, I'm just
gonna go ahead and tell you
00:23:53.550 --> 00:23:56.711
that you're probably
gonna have to spend around
00:23:56.711 --> 00:24:01.274
three to $5,000 a month just on the ads
00:24:01.274 --> 00:24:04.500
to get the results that you're
talking about wanting to get.
00:24:04.500 --> 00:24:06.820
And she was just like, oh
my gosh, I can't do that.
00:24:06.820 --> 00:24:09.900
And I was like, yeah,
your sister-in-law works
00:24:09.900 --> 00:24:13.679
for a big huge and large $500
million plus corporation-
00:24:13.679 --> 00:24:16.350
- Yep.
- Big dynamic difference,
00:24:16.350 --> 00:24:20.370
you know, in budgets and type of services
00:24:20.370 --> 00:24:22.530
that you provide versus
she's selling a product.
00:24:22.530 --> 00:24:24.305
I mean like so different, so different.
00:24:24.305 --> 00:24:27.410
So don't get hung up on
just because the big, huge
00:24:27.410 --> 00:24:30.202
and large corporations
are doing X, Y, and Z
00:24:30.202 --> 00:24:33.960
and hire the certain ad
agency or whatever that,
00:24:33.960 --> 00:24:35.977
in fact I'm gonna, I'm just gonna say it.
00:24:35.977 --> 00:24:39.887
More than more times than
not that's not gonna be
00:24:39.887 --> 00:24:42.570
a good match for you if
you're a small business,
00:24:42.570 --> 00:24:43.500
like it's just not yeah.
00:24:43.500 --> 00:24:45.121
- Oh, 100% agreed.
00:24:45.121 --> 00:24:47.588
And the other thing to
consider in those situations
00:24:47.588 --> 00:24:50.471
is you are their smallest client probably.
00:24:50.471 --> 00:24:51.710
- Oh, yeah.
- Like
00:24:51.710 --> 00:24:54.030
if they run outta time,
if they get behind,
00:24:54.030 --> 00:24:56.617
if they're stretched a little
too thin, where's their job
00:24:56.617 --> 00:24:57.807
gonna go?
- So true.
00:24:57.807 --> 00:24:58.811
- You know?
- Right,
00:24:58.811 --> 00:25:00.295
not to you.
- And it's to gonna be you.
00:25:00.295 --> 00:25:01.327
- Yeah, not to you.
00:25:01.327 --> 00:25:03.780
- If they can afford to lose you,
00:25:03.780 --> 00:25:06.030
they're not really trying as hard
00:25:06.030 --> 00:25:07.593
as they should be trying to keep you.
00:25:07.593 --> 00:25:09.000
- Yeah.
- So like that's
00:25:09.000 --> 00:25:10.170
the flip side of it too.
00:25:10.170 --> 00:25:12.360
And I think it's just so important, right,
00:25:12.360 --> 00:25:14.280
to really make sure that
there's a personality fit.
00:25:14.280 --> 00:25:15.450
You want somebody who's actually
00:25:15.450 --> 00:25:16.529
gonna care about you-
- Oh, my gosh.
00:25:16.529 --> 00:25:17.880
- And it doesn't matter-
- Right.
00:25:17.880 --> 00:25:20.010
- The other thing's competition
'cause it's the other like
00:25:20.010 --> 00:25:20.910
pushback of here a lot.
00:25:20.910 --> 00:25:22.560
Well, I don't want somebody who's working
00:25:22.560 --> 00:25:23.760
with all of my competitors.
00:25:23.760 --> 00:25:25.152
I'm like, yeah, you absolutely do.
00:25:25.152 --> 00:25:26.944
- Yes, you do.
- You know,
00:25:26.944 --> 00:25:28.560
'cause like you just gave-
- Yes, you do.
00:25:28.560 --> 00:25:30.570
- That example second
ago with the two lawyers
00:25:30.570 --> 00:25:32.462
that it's like, okay on the surface,
00:25:32.462 --> 00:25:35.010
yes, you're competitors.
00:25:35.010 --> 00:25:36.997
But reality is no, you're really not
00:25:36.997 --> 00:25:38.970
because there's different scenarios-
00:25:38.970 --> 00:25:39.803
- You're right.
- Where you're right
00:25:39.803 --> 00:25:41.599
for different people.
- Yeah.
00:25:41.599 --> 00:25:42.600
- And if you know, both of those people
00:25:42.600 --> 00:25:44.730
were working with you, so you understood,
00:25:44.730 --> 00:25:46.318
you could see both.
00:25:46.318 --> 00:25:48.360
So what's gonna happen?
00:25:48.360 --> 00:25:49.850
This one's gonna stand out better-
00:25:49.850 --> 00:25:50.683
- Right.
- In that market
00:25:50.683 --> 00:25:52.230
for this people and this
one's gonna stand out better
00:25:52.230 --> 00:25:53.585
than the same market for these people.
00:25:53.585 --> 00:25:54.747
And you know-
- Absolutely.
00:25:54.747 --> 00:25:56.790
- For two competing
lawyers, potentially even
00:25:56.790 --> 00:25:59.128
in the same city going after
the same types of clients
00:25:59.128 --> 00:26:01.227
but there's enough business
to go around unfortunately.
00:26:01.227 --> 00:26:03.146
- There's enough, yeah.
00:26:03.146 --> 00:26:03.979
There is.
00:26:05.290 --> 00:26:06.870
But there's enough to go around no matter
00:26:06.870 --> 00:26:07.703
what industry you're in.
00:26:07.703 --> 00:26:08.670
- Yep.
- I'm a firm believer
00:26:08.670 --> 00:26:10.080
in that as well too.
- Yeah,
00:26:10.080 --> 00:26:10.913
it's true.
- You know,
00:26:10.913 --> 00:26:12.750
it's just like, again, I
tell everybody it's like,
00:26:12.750 --> 00:26:15.330
I'm not, I may not be your
cup of tea, that's fine.
00:26:15.330 --> 00:26:16.827
I am plenty of people's cup of tea
00:26:16.827 --> 00:26:18.042
and that's good.
- Yep.
00:26:18.042 --> 00:26:20.268
- I want the right people.
00:26:20.268 --> 00:26:22.080
- Well, and I mean, for most of us,
00:26:22.080 --> 00:26:24.480
if we did get like every potential client
00:26:24.480 --> 00:26:26.347
we could possibly get,
we couldn't handle it.
00:26:26.347 --> 00:26:27.993
- No.
- We just couldn't handle it.
00:26:27.993 --> 00:26:29.303
Like I don't care how good you
are at scaling your business-
00:26:29.303 --> 00:26:31.050
- Yeah.
- Hiring new people,
00:26:31.050 --> 00:26:32.250
managing your people.
00:26:32.250 --> 00:26:36.031
It maybe in like 15 years,
you could handle 10%
00:26:36.031 --> 00:26:38.460
after you've like scaled up-
- Yeah.
00:26:38.460 --> 00:26:40.020
- A lot and you've hit big level people.
00:26:40.020 --> 00:26:42.037
But like, is that where you wanna
00:26:42.037 --> 00:26:43.117
- Yeah.
00:26:43.117 --> 00:26:43.950
- Is that where you wanna go?
00:26:43.950 --> 00:26:45.060
Most people say no.
- Right, yeah.
00:26:45.060 --> 00:26:46.140
- Like most of all business owners
00:26:46.140 --> 00:26:47.640
still wanna be able to have conversations
00:26:47.640 --> 00:26:48.750
with their clients.
- Yes,
00:26:48.750 --> 00:26:49.964
- You know,
00:26:49.964 --> 00:26:51.240
you grow to about a 50, 60 person team,
00:26:51.240 --> 00:26:54.270
that's kind of, that's about as high
00:26:54.270 --> 00:26:55.543
as you wanna go for most
small business owners.
00:26:55.543 --> 00:26:56.940
- Yeah.
- They make really
00:26:56.940 --> 00:26:59.806
good livings at that level.
- Yeah,
00:26:59.806 --> 00:27:00.659
I know.
00:27:00.659 --> 00:27:02.004
00:27:02.004 --> 00:27:03.601
- I dunno, there's so many like good
00:27:03.601 --> 00:27:05.827
things about-
- Completely agree.
00:27:05.827 --> 00:27:07.882
You know, it's all
about the relationships.
00:27:07.882 --> 00:27:10.890
I mean, we've heard it, it's
almost cliche at this point,
00:27:10.890 --> 00:27:12.116
but I think it bears repeating.
00:27:12.116 --> 00:27:14.212
I mean, it's all about the relationships.
00:27:14.212 --> 00:27:16.581
We wanna be, you know, in partnership
00:27:16.581 --> 00:27:18.810
and you know, marriages, relationships
00:27:18.810 --> 00:27:20.275
with people that connect with us.
00:27:20.275 --> 00:27:22.429
We wanna have friends
that connect with us.
00:27:22.429 --> 00:27:24.769
I mean, and we definitely
wanna have clients
00:27:24.769 --> 00:27:26.370
that connect with us as well too
00:27:26.370 --> 00:27:27.947
or it's just not worth it in my opinion.
00:27:27.947 --> 00:27:29.700
It's like, I've got other things to do.
00:27:29.700 --> 00:27:31.740
- That applies to your digital
marketing and stuff too.
00:27:31.740 --> 00:27:33.390
Like if you've got people
on your email list,
00:27:33.390 --> 00:27:34.989
those are relationships.
00:27:34.989 --> 00:27:36.586
- Yeah.
- They're not generic emails
00:27:36.586 --> 00:27:38.580
and names on your email list.
00:27:38.580 --> 00:27:40.260
Every single person
that receives your email
00:27:40.260 --> 00:27:41.950
is somebody that you would
want to enjoy talking to
00:27:41.950 --> 00:27:44.091
if you could.
- Yeah,
00:27:44.091 --> 00:27:45.420
- And you should like create
00:27:45.420 --> 00:27:48.389
an environment where they
want to talk to you, you know?
00:27:48.389 --> 00:27:50.220
And it's like, I think
we forget that sometimes
00:27:50.220 --> 00:27:51.762
when we're just blasting
marketing messages out
00:27:51.762 --> 00:27:53.948
or putting out social
posts or putting out emails
00:27:53.948 --> 00:27:55.641
or putting out videos.
00:27:55.641 --> 00:27:58.247
And we don't necessarily
think about the fact
00:27:58.247 --> 00:28:00.176
there's a relationship on the other end
00:28:00.176 --> 00:28:01.705
that we would like to have.
- Right,
00:28:01.705 --> 00:28:02.538
- It's not just
00:28:02.538 --> 00:28:03.960
that we wanna push them into a sale,
00:28:03.960 --> 00:28:05.774
but how can I turn you into
somebody that's a raving fan,
00:28:05.774 --> 00:28:07.650
somebody that I would enjoy hanging
00:28:07.650 --> 00:28:08.520
out with
- Yeah.
00:28:08.520 --> 00:28:10.230
- Somebody that if I saw-
- Yes.
00:28:10.230 --> 00:28:11.130
- You in person at an event, I'd be like,
00:28:11.130 --> 00:28:13.560
hey, I saw you.
- Yeah.
00:28:13.560 --> 00:28:15.180
- You replied to my email the other day.
00:28:15.180 --> 00:28:16.020
You know, I started doing
00:28:16.020 --> 00:28:17.490
the weirdest thing.
- Yeah.
00:28:17.490 --> 00:28:19.260
- I'm on all of these email lists, right,
00:28:19.260 --> 00:28:20.363
'cause I love seeing what comes out.
00:28:20.363 --> 00:28:22.950
I love, I subscribe to
way too many email lists.
00:28:22.950 --> 00:28:23.857
way too many-
- Me too.
00:28:23.857 --> 00:28:25.320
00:28:25.320 --> 00:28:28.800
- I started replying to the generic,
00:28:28.800 --> 00:28:30.960
just blast all email addresses.
00:28:30.960 --> 00:28:32.202
I just started replying to being like,
00:28:32.202 --> 00:28:34.860
hey, I really like this bit that you did.
00:28:34.860 --> 00:28:36.390
That's really cool.
00:28:36.390 --> 00:28:39.358
And they're like hi.
00:28:39.358 --> 00:28:41.061
- Oh my gosh.
- And it's like-
00:28:41.061 --> 00:28:42.393
- Yeah.
00:28:42.393 --> 00:28:44.370
- They're just like, oh God-
- What's happening?
00:28:44.370 --> 00:28:45.300
- Somebody reply-
- Yeah.
00:28:45.300 --> 00:28:46.500
- What's happening now?
00:28:46.500 --> 00:28:47.333
It's like-
- Yeah.
00:28:47.333 --> 00:28:50.776
- How many emails do you send
that nobody ever replies to?
00:28:50.776 --> 00:28:52.509
Like, it's just been-
- I know,
00:28:52.509 --> 00:28:53.342
that's brilliant.
- It's an eyeopener.
00:28:53.342 --> 00:28:55.230
I have been doing that for
the last couple of weeks
00:28:55.230 --> 00:28:57.090
and I am telling you, the conversations
00:28:57.090 --> 00:28:58.620
that I have had and the connections
00:28:58.620 --> 00:29:00.540
that I've been able to make
with people that would normally
00:29:00.540 --> 00:29:02.471
never really give little
old me the time of day,
00:29:02.471 --> 00:29:06.480
because I'm probably
one of like 5,000 people
00:29:06.480 --> 00:29:08.193
on their email list that hit reply.
00:29:08.193 --> 00:29:09.918
- Yeah.
00:29:09.918 --> 00:29:12.210
That is hysterical.
- So it's interesting.
00:29:12.210 --> 00:29:13.043
- Like wow.
- It's a fun
00:29:13.043 --> 00:29:13.876
little experiment.
00:29:13.876 --> 00:29:16.170
Just like try that for a
few days, see what happens.
00:29:16.170 --> 00:29:17.323
It's been interesting.
00:29:17.323 --> 00:29:18.990
- I'm gonna do that.
00:29:18.990 --> 00:29:19.893
I'm gonna do that.
00:29:19.893 --> 00:29:21.540
That is brilliant.
- I've had some
00:29:21.540 --> 00:29:23.065
of the most fantastic conversations
00:29:23.065 --> 00:29:24.167
since I started doing that.
00:29:24.167 --> 00:29:26.370
It has just been like,
they're like, oh my God,
00:29:26.370 --> 00:29:27.240
you're a real human.
- I love it.
00:29:27.240 --> 00:29:29.100
- No, it's like, yeah, hi.
00:29:29.100 --> 00:29:29.933
Human here.
- I am,
00:29:29.933 --> 00:29:30.900
- How are you?
00:29:30.900 --> 00:29:32.149
- Yeah.
- Oh, you're doing good?
00:29:32.149 --> 00:29:33.799
How can I help you today?
00:29:33.799 --> 00:29:35.425
Which is another interesting thing.
00:29:35.425 --> 00:29:37.687
Like even your software
vendors and stuff like that,
00:29:37.687 --> 00:29:39.414
you know, they send you email newsletters.
00:29:39.414 --> 00:29:42.247
It's amazing how many like
beta groups, alpha groups,
00:29:42.247 --> 00:29:44.190
things like that that I've
been able to participate in
00:29:44.190 --> 00:29:45.929
just because I have replied.
00:29:45.929 --> 00:29:47.340
It's like, oh, that's a really
00:29:47.340 --> 00:29:48.300
awesome new feature.
- Right.
00:29:48.300 --> 00:29:49.410
- I've been looking forward to that one.
00:29:49.410 --> 00:29:51.360
Thank you so much for releasing that.
00:29:51.360 --> 00:29:54.150
And they're like, hi.
- Yeah.
00:29:54.150 --> 00:29:55.110
- How are, can we talk
00:29:55.110 --> 00:29:56.010
to you?
- Yeah.
00:29:56.010 --> 00:29:57.090
- You're a real human using
00:29:57.090 --> 00:29:57.923
our stuff-
- Interesting.
00:29:57.923 --> 00:29:58.830
- We would love to talk to you.
00:29:58.830 --> 00:30:00.216
And you're like, yeah, of course.
00:30:00.216 --> 00:30:02.831
I know one girl, she
did that exact strategy.
00:30:02.831 --> 00:30:06.026
And now she gets to like
speak at events for Meta,
00:30:06.026 --> 00:30:08.796
for Minichat for things like.
- Oh my gosh.
00:30:08.796 --> 00:30:11.580
- Because she does that all the time.
00:30:11.580 --> 00:30:13.740
She's just constantly
like giving them people-
00:30:13.740 --> 00:30:15.180
- That's brilliant.
- She'll make the effort
00:30:15.180 --> 00:30:17.280
to do a Loom video and send that to them.
00:30:17.280 --> 00:30:18.480
- Yeah.
- So now they're like,
00:30:18.480 --> 00:30:20.430
they know who she is.
00:30:20.430 --> 00:30:21.600
- Wow.
- You know, it's like,
00:30:21.600 --> 00:30:22.440
you have these big company
00:30:22.440 --> 00:30:24.144
that know who she is.
- That's brilliant.
00:30:24.144 --> 00:30:25.392
- And it's like-
- Yeah.
00:30:25.392 --> 00:30:26.269
- Like,
00:30:26.269 --> 00:30:28.199
think about how you could use
that as a marketing strategy.
00:30:28.199 --> 00:30:29.032
- Yeah,
- If you were going
00:30:29.032 --> 00:30:30.905
and putting out generic email
list, go sign up for it.
00:30:30.905 --> 00:30:33.758
And then you, you're
the only person replying
00:30:33.758 --> 00:30:36.120
so you can get conversations
you wouldn't normally
00:30:36.120 --> 00:30:36.953
be able to get.
00:30:36.953 --> 00:30:37.786
I don't know, that was a weird one.
00:30:37.786 --> 00:30:39.390
- That, yeah.
- That's my little tip
00:30:39.390 --> 00:30:40.223
of the day.
00:30:40.223 --> 00:30:41.056
It's been interesting, it's been fun.
00:30:41.056 --> 00:30:42.381
- Yeah.
- I know I have kept you
00:30:42.381 --> 00:30:44.430
for so, so, so long 'cause we had so much
00:30:44.430 --> 00:30:45.745
like chatter before we hit record.
00:30:45.745 --> 00:30:47.203
- I know, I love it.
- I know,
00:30:47.203 --> 00:30:48.500
we've been recording for like 30.
00:30:48.500 --> 00:30:51.060
So I wanna give you a chance
to tell people how to find you.
00:30:51.060 --> 00:30:52.800
So we've talked a little
bit about what you do,
00:30:52.800 --> 00:30:54.000
but in your own words like-
- Yeah.
00:30:54.000 --> 00:30:55.440
- Who do you like to work with,
00:30:55.440 --> 00:30:57.360
What do you do, how do they find you?
00:30:57.360 --> 00:30:58.261
- Yeah.
00:30:58.261 --> 00:31:00.392
So I tell everybody, you know,
00:31:00.392 --> 00:31:03.407
I work with professional business owners.
00:31:03.407 --> 00:31:06.570
You know, like Christina
said earlier that I've worked
00:31:06.570 --> 00:31:08.310
with lawyers, commercial mortgage brokers,
00:31:08.310 --> 00:31:11.204
medical professionals, interior designers.
00:31:11.204 --> 00:31:13.699
But I also, you know,
interestingly enough,
00:31:13.699 --> 00:31:17.755
I work with some very large
nonprofit organizations too
00:31:17.755 --> 00:31:19.920
that need help in the messaging
00:31:19.920 --> 00:31:23.245
and marketing space
with complex terminolo,
00:31:23.245 --> 00:31:24.923
I'm a complex girl.
00:31:24.923 --> 00:31:28.442
And so when you have a
very, very complex message
00:31:28.442 --> 00:31:30.737
that needs to be communicated out,
00:31:30.737 --> 00:31:35.737
I'm that person who can
take very highly technical
00:31:36.349 --> 00:31:39.750
complex things and make
it easily understandable
00:31:39.750 --> 00:31:43.080
for your clients to,
you know, to understand.
00:31:43.080 --> 00:31:45.447
So I help people scale their businesses
00:31:45.447 --> 00:31:49.200
through executive level
strategy, communication tactics.
00:31:49.200 --> 00:31:50.154
And I do it with the DiSC profile
00:31:50.154 --> 00:31:52.169
is what I do with all my private clients
00:31:52.169 --> 00:31:54.340
is walk them through the
DiSC and then we develop
00:31:54.340 --> 00:31:57.450
a profitable, you know, marketing strategy
00:31:57.450 --> 00:31:58.807
based on what feels best for you
00:31:58.807 --> 00:32:00.660
from a messaging perspective.
00:32:00.660 --> 00:32:03.077
So I typically hang
out a lot on Instagram,
00:32:03.077 --> 00:32:08.077
Heather_ Lisle, L-I-S as in Sam, L-E.
00:32:08.523 --> 00:32:11.574
I'm on LinkedIn at Heather Lisle Co
00:32:11.574 --> 00:32:14.070
and I'm on Facebook as well too.
00:32:14.070 --> 00:32:15.660
I'm just not on Facebook as much.
00:32:15.660 --> 00:32:19.260
So Heather Lisle with the
number one at the end,
00:32:19.260 --> 00:32:21.780
Heather Lisle 1 on Facebook,
but mostly Instagram
00:32:21.780 --> 00:32:22.904
is where I hang out so,
00:32:22.904 --> 00:32:24.125
find me there.
- I'll make sure
00:32:24.125 --> 00:32:25.020
I drop the link.
00:32:25.020 --> 00:32:27.078
So wherever you're watching this show from
00:32:27.078 --> 00:32:29.374
there will be links
somewhere around the video,
00:32:29.374 --> 00:32:31.052
around the audio, wherever you're at
00:32:31.052 --> 00:32:33.421
so make sure you go check those out.
00:32:33.421 --> 00:32:35.728
And I just can't underscore that enough,
00:32:35.728 --> 00:32:37.620
especially for the types of clients
00:32:37.620 --> 00:32:40.138
that you're working for,
that it's so important
00:32:40.138 --> 00:32:43.808
to differentiate your
messaging and to really not go-
00:32:43.808 --> 00:32:44.641
- Oh my gosh.
- After anybody,
00:32:44.641 --> 00:32:46.470
everybody to not be afraid to stand out.
00:32:46.470 --> 00:32:48.903
I mean, you've shared several
really great examples.
00:32:48.903 --> 00:32:51.170
So I think like, you know,
if you're listening to this
00:32:51.170 --> 00:32:53.850
and you're somebody in that list of people
00:32:53.850 --> 00:32:55.372
that she just mentioned
that she likes to work with
00:32:55.372 --> 00:32:59.130
and you're different, I think
you're her perfect client.
00:32:59.130 --> 00:33:00.255
So correct me if I'm wrong.
- Oh my gosh.
00:33:00.255 --> 00:33:01.523
Oh yeah.
00:33:01.523 --> 00:33:03.141
I mean, oh and real estate brokers.
00:33:03.141 --> 00:33:05.075
That's been another interesting area too.
00:33:05.075 --> 00:33:08.322
It's like how many ads
do you see with lawyers
00:33:08.322 --> 00:33:10.017
and real estate people standing
00:33:10.017 --> 00:33:11.419
like this-
- Yep.
00:33:11.419 --> 00:33:13.530
- You know, with their arms
crossed across their chest.
00:33:13.530 --> 00:33:15.300
And it's like, you're not telling me
00:33:15.300 --> 00:33:16.913
how you're different from
everybody else out there.
00:33:16.913 --> 00:33:18.314
- Yep.
- We have
00:33:18.314 --> 00:33:22.080
to make you different in
order for the right people
00:33:22.080 --> 00:33:24.300
to wanna work with you
'cause we don't wanna waste
00:33:24.300 --> 00:33:26.310
our time with people who
are gonna suck our energy,
00:33:26.310 --> 00:33:28.170
not pay our bills and waste our time.
00:33:28.170 --> 00:33:29.280
Like nobody wants that
00:33:29.280 --> 00:33:30.459
- Yeah, I love that.
00:33:30.459 --> 00:33:32.760
If you've got like, if
you're a little picky
00:33:32.760 --> 00:33:34.140
on the types of clients you want to take,
00:33:34.140 --> 00:33:35.703
if you're a little bit
different and you know it,
00:33:35.703 --> 00:33:37.470
like you should definitely
reach out to Heather.
00:33:37.470 --> 00:33:38.610
I think that would be a really
00:33:38.610 --> 00:33:39.602
smart move.
- Absolutely.
00:33:39.602 --> 00:33:40.697
I'd love it, yeah.
- Yeah,
00:33:40.697 --> 00:33:42.000
I know I'm the same way.
00:33:42.000 --> 00:33:43.357
So if you're like a coach or somebody else
00:33:43.357 --> 00:33:45.108
that all of that resonated with you,
00:33:45.108 --> 00:33:49.227
but you're more in like the
coaching agency realm, hi.
00:33:49.227 --> 00:33:50.060
But yeah,
00:33:50.060 --> 00:33:51.189
I think that's great, yeah.
- You're the girl.
00:33:51.189 --> 00:33:53.430
- It's just two totally different markets,
00:33:53.430 --> 00:33:54.534
but with the same problems.
00:33:54.534 --> 00:33:55.936
- Yes.
- So I think it's so cool
00:33:55.936 --> 00:33:57.870
and this has been such
a great conversation
00:33:57.870 --> 00:34:00.270
'cause there's so much overlap, but not.
00:34:00.270 --> 00:34:01.103
- Yeah.
- At the same time
00:34:01.103 --> 00:34:02.910
it's so neat.
- Hey,
00:34:02.910 --> 00:34:04.320
we can learn from each other.
00:34:04.320 --> 00:34:05.250
- Yep.
- I'm a huge believer
00:34:05.250 --> 00:34:06.150
in that as well too.
00:34:06.150 --> 00:34:08.391
So anyway, thank you so
much for having me on.
00:34:08.391 --> 00:34:11.400
It's been so fun and lovely and it's just,
00:34:11.400 --> 00:34:12.660
it's been a great start to my day.
00:34:12.660 --> 00:34:14.040
So thank you so much.
- Oh, same here.
00:34:14.040 --> 00:34:16.170
This has been an absolutely
fantastic conversation today.
00:34:16.170 --> 00:34:17.175
Thank you for coming on the show.
00:34:17.175 --> 00:34:20.061
So, entrepreneur, guys-
- Absolutely.
00:34:20.061 --> 00:34:21.930
- This is your call to take action.
00:34:21.930 --> 00:34:25.350
Head over to etatoday.zone,
subscribe and keep learning
00:34:25.350 --> 00:34:26.670
from amazing people like Heather
00:34:26.670 --> 00:34:28.148
that are sharing all kinds
of actionable advice.
00:34:28.148 --> 00:34:30.003
Until next time, bye.
00:34:32.774 --> 00:34:35.357
(upbeat music)