"My Purpose is to create a generation of driven individuals dedicated to achieving more and creating their most outrageous dreams and living their greatest potential." - Carey Conley
Carey Conley was born and raised in Denver, CO. She now splits her time between Arizona and Oklahoma to spend time with her Daughter Laurel 27, and grand-son Pryce 1. Carey’s experience of growing successful sales and marketing businesses for 20 years while raising her kids is an achievement on its own. She now owns her coaching practice Infinity Corporation for over Ten years and has helped hundreds around the country and the world gain momentous success. She also co-authored a Bestselling book called ‘Keep Looking Up’ in 2019.
Carey Conley tells Christina about having an exercise she uses that helps people turn their someday plan into tangible goals that they can execute personally and professionally.
- You have an exercise you use that helps people turn their someday plan into tangible goals that they can execute personally and professionally. Can you elaborate a little bit more on that? What does that mean? What does that look like?
- Do you have this much time to spend with us to help make that happen?
- Being able to reverse engineer, this is where you wanna go. And then back up into what it's gonna take to get there. It's easier and harder to get there at the same time. Do you ever find that with people?
- How does that kinda impact things? What are some challenges that you see people facing on both sides?
- How do you know what's gonna get you towards the goals?
Links and Resources
- Carey's Website - https://www.careyconley.com/
- Carey's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/carey.conley/
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00:00:01.050 --> 00:00:02.370
- Hey, busy business people.
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I am here today
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with another entrepreneur
taking action, Carey Conley.
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Carey helps entrepreneurs
get their someday plan
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out of their head and into action.
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And I'm getting the scoop
today on how she does it.
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(upbeat music)
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Okay, so before the episode,
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now you had mentioned that
you have an exercise you use
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that helps people turn their someday plan
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into tangible goals that they can execute
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personally and professionally.
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Can you elaborate a
little bit more on that?
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What does that mean?
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What does that look like?
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- Well, so many people, Christina,
especially entrepreneurs
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are walking around with that someday plan.
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I also call it the hope and
the wish and the prayer plan,
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where they're hoping things would happen,
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they're praying it happens, all that.
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And what I have found,
especially with entrepreneurs,
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is that means they're usually
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running really expensive hobbies.
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They have no set monetizing
goals with dates on things
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because they don't really have a vision
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of where they're going
with dates on things.
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So in the exercise that
I walk people through,
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I get them to write the
vision very, very clearly
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in every area of their life,
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especially in their field,
their career, their business,
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because the more detailed
it is, the better.
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And what I get them to do
is put a target date on it.
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So the first thing they do when
they sit down to write this
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is date it as if it's three
years out from that date.
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And then right after they write that date,
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they write how old they will be.
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And then after that, they write the ages
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of their family members and close friends,
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people who are involved
in their life, right?
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Because time and aging are non-negotiable.
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And when I get people to do that,
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it changes their
perspective of everything.
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They're like, "Wow, okay.
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So I'm gonna be like 37
years old or 52 or whatever,
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and my kids are gonna be these ages."
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And they're starting to
see a very clear picture
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of what they want their life to look like
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as if it is that day.
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So what it affects is the
bottom line of their business
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and how they're operating it.
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- I could see that.
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That makes a lot of sense,
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'cause it's so easy to
think in terms of like,
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oh, in three years, I wanna be doing this.
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And in five years, I wanna be doing this.
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In 10 years, I wanna be doing this.
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But then you look at something like,
00:02:19.140 --> 00:02:23.127
oh, well, in three years
I'm gonna be 45 or 50.
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And it's like, well, by the time I'm 50,
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I wanted to achieve this.
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And that doesn't match with
what my three-year plan is.
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I can see where that would
be really very powerful.
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'Cause I think we all have
these moments where it's like,
00:02:38.370 --> 00:02:41.850
I am way older than I feel like I am.
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Like I'm 38 and I'm like,
(Carey laughing)
00:02:43.620 --> 00:02:46.230
40 felt like so far away
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when I was a baby business
owner just getting started
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and looking at the whole wide world ahead.
00:02:52.680 --> 00:02:55.553
Like is 40 so far, I've
got plenty of time.
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(Christina laughs)
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And then you're like, when
did that sneak up on me?
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Where did that come, you know?
00:03:00.630 --> 00:03:04.800
- Yeah, and see, I just
turned 60 a few days ago.
00:03:04.800 --> 00:03:06.176
- Oh, wow.
00:03:06.176 --> 00:03:07.770
Happy belated birthday.
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- Well, thank you.
00:03:08.603 --> 00:03:10.770
And 40 seems like it
was just here yesterday.
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So I'm gonna tell you,
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three years, blip on the radar, right?
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It's gonna happen so, so fast.
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And what happens when people
don't project out three years
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is it shows up on their doorstep
and they look around going,
00:03:23.167 --> 00:03:24.390
"Okay, what just happened?
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And how did we get here?"
00:03:25.260 --> 00:03:26.850
And this is not how I wanted it to look
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or we weren't prepared
as a family for this
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or all the things.
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So what looking out does is
it helps you get that picture
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so that you can reverse
engineer a game plan, right?
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And again, in every area of your life,
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start thinking about what
your fitness life looks like,
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your friends, your family,
your field, your finances,
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all those things.
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So that when you come all the
way down to every single day,
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you are super intentional
about your daily actions.
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They either line up with
the vision and the goals
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or they don't.
00:03:56.160 --> 00:03:56.993
- Yep.
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And we work with people mostly
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in the marketing sales
aspect of their businesses,
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and it's so true even in there.
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Because it's like, they'll be like,
00:04:05.280 --> 00:04:07.950
this is what I want to have
happening in three months,
00:04:07.950 --> 00:04:09.030
from a marketing perspective.
00:04:09.030 --> 00:04:10.740
I want this new leads,
I want this much stuff.
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And it's like, okay, well,
do you have this much time
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to spend with us to help make that happen?
00:04:16.440 --> 00:04:18.270
Like, we've gotta get
stuff outta your head.
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We've gotta like, this
strategy you wanted to do
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is not gonna work in three months.
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We have to do something
else that takes more time.
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And they're like,
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"Oh, well, no, I don't
have any free time."
00:04:27.960 --> 00:04:29.640
Okay, well, how many new
clients do you really need?
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Well, only need one or two.
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(Carey laughs)
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It's like they just that lack of goals.
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They really don't know.
- Yes.
00:04:36.413 --> 00:04:38.610
- And it's like people that are doing,
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I talk to new business owners
all the time that are like,
00:04:41.970 --> 00:04:44.760
I need to build this
big marketing machine.
00:04:44.760 --> 00:04:47.460
And they only need like
10 clients or five clients
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or it's like their first five clients
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or their first 10 clients.
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And it's like, you don't
need a big marketing machine.
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It's like
- Correct.
00:04:54.300 --> 00:04:55.950
- Being able to reverse engineer,
00:04:55.950 --> 00:04:57.480
this is where you wanna go.
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And then back up into what
it's gonna take to get there.
00:05:00.600 --> 00:05:03.110
It's easier and harder to
get there at the same time.
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Do you ever find that with people?
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Like, it's so simple,
(Christina chuckles)
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but yet it's so hard
00:05:09.330 --> 00:05:10.163
kind of the same time.
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They have to change
their thinking so much.
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- Well, what's happening here
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and what you're talking about, Christina,
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is people are putting
the cart before the horse
00:05:18.120 --> 00:05:20.250
kind of thing, right?
00:05:20.250 --> 00:05:22.740
They don't need all of that.
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If they aren't clear on the
vision, and like you said,
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how many clients do you need?
00:05:26.370 --> 00:05:29.250
How much money do you
need to make by when?
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It's just all so vague
that what they're wanting
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is to have the machine do all
the work for them in essence.
00:05:36.030 --> 00:05:36.863
- Yep.
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- And when I got started,
officially speaking in coaching,
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about 10 years ago, every
client that I brought in
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came to me out of me networking
and talking to people,
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me verbally talking to people
about what I do, why I do it,
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what my services were and whatnot.
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And so when I did hire a marketing team,
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I had already proven that
I could do it, right?
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I was making money
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and I was really, really
clear on the vision
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of where I was going and who I served.
00:06:06.450 --> 00:06:08.430
- Yep, there's so much truth to that.
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Most people don't have that in place yet.
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And it's one of the
things that cracks me up
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with most marketing agencies is
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if you ask them how
they get their clients,
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they'll say exactly what you just said.
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It's from networking, it's from speaking,
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it's from putting myself out
there, talking to people.
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But they don't do that for
their clients, which is crazy.
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- Correct, yeah.
- We do for our clients
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because I had that
epiphany several years ago
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that it's like, why am I pitching
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and doing marketing services
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that I don't even really do myself
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because this works better.
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(Christina laughing)
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it's we changed our whole
model, which was really cool.
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Now I know the other flip side of it.
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I keep diving into the
entrepreneurial part,
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but the other flip side of
what you help people with
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is the family aspect.
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Like, you're raising two
families, two babies at one time
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when you have a business and a family.
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So it's like
- True.
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- How does that kinda impact things?
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What are some challenges
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that you see people facing on both sides?
00:07:02.940 --> 00:07:04.410
- It's such a good question.
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As entrepreneurs, I just
had another conversation
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with somebody a minute ago about this.
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We start doing our businesses
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because we're passionate about it, right?
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And we're excited in the
beginning, it's a lot of fun.
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And then all of a sudden
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it becomes our world, our everything.
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And what we start doing
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is living and breathing
our businesses 24/7.
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And so we forget about our
family, our friends, our health,
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all the other things that are important.
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And unfortunately, when you do that,
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everything suffers,
including the business,
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because you're not showing
up as your best self.
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So we have to in the
vision, create that balance.
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So every day I'm so clear
on the things that I want
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inside every area of my life, Christina,
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that I assess, okay, what are three things
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that I need to work on today
that need some attention?
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And sometimes those days are like,
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like yesterday I left everything
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just the way it was here my office
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and jumped in the car with my daughter
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and we took my two-year-old
grandson to the zoo.
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(Christina laughs)
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For me, that was a huge goal for the day,
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because that's important
to me as his grandma,
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as my daughter's mom, it
makes me a better person.
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Thus, it makes me stay balanced
with loving my business
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and not letting it rule my world, right?
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- Yeah, and I think it's
easy to justify too,
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because it's like as your
business starts growing
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and it's not a side hustle anymore,
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it is your primary source of income,
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it's easy to say, "Well, spending
this time in the business
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is what pays my bills.
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It's what pays for the future
things that I want to do."
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Those days off, those trips to the zoo,
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the fun things that we wanna do,
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it's what enables those things.
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So if somebody's in that
mindset where it's like,
00:08:49.747 --> 00:08:53.463
"Well, I have to do this,"
what would you say to them?
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- So we're non promised tomorrow
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and that's the game we play is thinking,
00:09:01.807 --> 00:09:03.390
"It's all right if I
didn't go to the zoo today,
00:09:03.390 --> 00:09:05.580
we can do it tomorrow."
00:09:05.580 --> 00:09:09.270
I have had tragedies strike
my life, Christina, twice.
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I've lost my husband to
suicide almost eight years ago.
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And then three years later,
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lost my 26-year-old son to suicide.
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And so I think if you've
never been through
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any kind of life altering
tragedy like that,
00:09:24.690 --> 00:09:27.400
we play that I've got plenty of time game
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and I just don't play that game.
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So you really have to think about,
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is it really that important
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that I make five more phone calls today
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and not go to the zoo
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or is it more important
that I take the time
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and have that time with my grandson?
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I've physically moved
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from one state to another
last summer, Christina,
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to be near him because I
know how fast time goes.
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And I wanna be very involved in his life.
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So I think people just
need to stop playing that
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I got all the time in
the world kind of thing
00:10:00.630 --> 00:10:04.830
'cause you just don't
know what tomorrow brings.
00:10:04.830 --> 00:10:05.880
- Yep.
00:10:05.880 --> 00:10:08.190
I throw another challenge at you
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'cause I've actually worked with clients
00:10:09.420 --> 00:10:12.960
like this in the past
that had that mindset,
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however, maybe too far.
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(Christina laughing)
00:10:15.750 --> 00:10:17.602
And the opposite was happening.
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- Oh yeah.
00:10:18.435 --> 00:10:20.700
- And so they were spending
all of the personal time
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and thinking that they had
all the time in the world
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to get their business
where it needed to be
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and they were missing opportunities,
they were not present.
00:10:28.920 --> 00:10:32.790
So their team wasn't as
functional as it needed to be,
00:10:32.790 --> 00:10:33.900
all of that kind of stuff.
00:10:33.900 --> 00:10:36.960
So let's flip that question on its head
00:10:36.960 --> 00:10:39.420
and what if the opposite is true,
00:10:39.420 --> 00:10:41.074
- and you're not-
- Oh my gosh, I love this.
00:10:41.074 --> 00:10:42.300
(Christina laughing)
00:10:42.300 --> 00:10:43.680
I love this question
00:10:43.680 --> 00:10:46.920
because I've coached so many entrepreneurs
00:10:46.920 --> 00:10:50.610
and I will tell you, a
super high percentage,
00:10:50.610 --> 00:10:52.980
like super high percentage,
00:10:52.980 --> 00:10:54.840
were doing all the other things
00:10:54.840 --> 00:10:58.050
and not moving their business forward.
00:10:58.050 --> 00:10:58.883
- Yep.
00:10:58.883 --> 00:11:00.630
- Again, thinking, "All right,
00:11:00.630 --> 00:11:02.820
well, it's okay if I
didn't do it this month,
00:11:02.820 --> 00:11:04.920
I can do it next month."
00:11:04.920 --> 00:11:08.040
And here's where the bottom line
00:11:08.040 --> 00:11:09.630
is going back to the dates on things.
00:11:09.630 --> 00:11:12.570
So when I work with an
entrepreneur and they're telling me
00:11:12.570 --> 00:11:16.620
that they need to run a
money making business,
00:11:16.620 --> 00:11:18.457
because I can go to them and say,
00:11:18.457 --> 00:11:20.550
"Okay, look, you can either run this
00:11:20.550 --> 00:11:22.350
as a mission and/or a ministry
00:11:22.350 --> 00:11:24.780
or you can run this as a
business, which do you want?"
00:11:24.780 --> 00:11:28.170
I don't care, there's no
judgment, but you have to decide
00:11:28.170 --> 00:11:30.090
'cause right now you're running a mission.
00:11:30.090 --> 00:11:30.923
- Yep.
00:11:30.923 --> 00:11:31.756
- No, no.
00:11:31.756 --> 00:11:32.670
And so the question will always would be
00:11:32.670 --> 00:11:33.720
no, no, I need to make money.
00:11:33.720 --> 00:11:34.680
I'm like, "All right."
00:11:34.680 --> 00:11:36.630
So we have to get super clear on
00:11:36.630 --> 00:11:40.710
what are the income targets
with dates on things?
00:11:40.710 --> 00:11:41.760
And don't make 'em up.
00:11:41.760 --> 00:11:43.267
Don't just pull 'em
out of your head going,
00:11:43.267 --> 00:11:47.010
"Well, it'd be kind of cool if
I made six figures this year"
00:11:47.010 --> 00:11:49.680
I'm like, "Okay, we're
making up numbers now."
00:11:49.680 --> 00:11:51.180
I don't care what the number is,
00:11:51.180 --> 00:11:53.040
but you have to give me some real numbers.
00:11:53.040 --> 00:11:56.220
What is it that your business
needs to make by when
00:11:56.220 --> 00:11:59.673
and what is it paying for
that's non-negotiable?
00:12:00.960 --> 00:12:03.060
See, the problem we have
is that a lot of times
00:12:03.060 --> 00:12:05.910
entrepreneurs have incomes
coming in from somewhere else.
00:12:06.930 --> 00:12:09.540
And so they don't run the business
00:12:09.540 --> 00:12:12.360
as a business making
money for the business
00:12:12.360 --> 00:12:14.760
and for their personal life as well.
00:12:14.760 --> 00:12:16.027
I've literally told some clients,
00:12:16.027 --> 00:12:19.117
"I need you to cut up your
credit cards right now
00:12:19.117 --> 00:12:20.070
(Christina laughs)
00:12:20.070 --> 00:12:23.280
and figure out where you're
gonna be bringing in money
00:12:23.280 --> 00:12:24.390
that's gonna be paying for the things
00:12:24.390 --> 00:12:25.560
you're putting on those credit cards
00:12:25.560 --> 00:12:27.810
that something else is paying for."
00:12:27.810 --> 00:12:30.750
So we just have to put
some dates on things.
00:12:30.750 --> 00:12:32.850
And I've run two businesses, Christina,
00:12:32.850 --> 00:12:36.000
and both times I've had
target dates of incomes
00:12:36.000 --> 00:12:37.740
that I needed to hit
because there were things
00:12:37.740 --> 00:12:39.240
that were coming that I wanted to pay for.
00:12:39.240 --> 00:12:41.250
I needed to pay for.
00:12:41.250 --> 00:12:43.350
Big difference in running a mission.
00:12:43.350 --> 00:12:45.630
- Yep, and it changes when
you start hiring staff.
00:12:45.630 --> 00:12:48.390
I think that's where most
people have the panic.
00:12:48.390 --> 00:12:50.430
'Cause they don't have
the financial stability.
00:12:50.430 --> 00:12:53.640
They don't have the goals,
they don't have the plans.
00:12:53.640 --> 00:12:55.200
And so when it comes down to,
00:12:55.200 --> 00:12:57.870
okay, you've only got so
many hours in a day choices,
00:12:57.870 --> 00:13:00.060
you're either not gonna make more money.
00:13:00.060 --> 00:13:01.890
Like this is your cap, this is it.
00:13:01.890 --> 00:13:03.750
And you really need to be making less
00:13:03.750 --> 00:13:05.040
'cause you're selling your time for money
00:13:05.040 --> 00:13:06.450
and you're out of time.
00:13:06.450 --> 00:13:08.100
You need to go spend it with your family.
00:13:08.100 --> 00:13:11.550
So you're gonna have to make
less or you have to hire.
00:13:11.550 --> 00:13:12.600
You have to hire.
00:13:12.600 --> 00:13:13.680
And when you do that,
00:13:13.680 --> 00:13:17.190
another person's livelihood
is in your hands.
00:13:17.190 --> 00:13:18.023
- Right.
00:13:18.023 --> 00:13:19.650
- And a lot of that's terrifying to me
00:13:19.650 --> 00:13:21.090
as many business owners as I've met
00:13:21.090 --> 00:13:22.860
and worked with over the
years, how many of them
00:13:22.860 --> 00:13:25.170
that have other human
beings lives in their hands
00:13:25.170 --> 00:13:27.200
and they have no idea what they're doing.
00:13:27.200 --> 00:13:28.290
(Christina laughs)
- Wow!
00:13:28.290 --> 00:13:30.813
- There's no financial
targets, there's no goals.
00:13:31.896 --> 00:13:34.650
And it's like, ooh, that's painful.
00:13:34.650 --> 00:13:36.273
That we need to fix that.
00:13:37.800 --> 00:13:39.570
I think the other issue I run into,
00:13:39.570 --> 00:13:42.360
maybe you've got some advice
you can speak to on this one
00:13:42.360 --> 00:13:44.100
is again, priorities, right?
00:13:44.100 --> 00:13:46.800
I feel like the other two
questions were kind of priorities.
00:13:46.800 --> 00:13:48.570
But the other thing that we have is,
00:13:48.570 --> 00:13:51.390
okay, well, now I wanna
do all of the things.
00:13:51.390 --> 00:13:52.890
I wanna do all of the business things,
00:13:52.890 --> 00:13:54.420
I wanna do all of the personal things,
00:13:54.420 --> 00:13:56.820
I want to do all of the things.
00:13:56.820 --> 00:13:58.860
How do you choose?
00:13:58.860 --> 00:14:01.610
How do you know what's gonna
get you towards the goals?
00:14:03.270 --> 00:14:05.700
- Well, again, every day I assess the day
00:14:05.700 --> 00:14:08.463
and what I know needs some attention.
00:14:09.870 --> 00:14:11.790
Some days it's just full on,
00:14:11.790 --> 00:14:14.883
okay, my business today is a top priority.
00:14:16.175 --> 00:14:19.110
I've got something coming up
that needs full on attention.
00:14:19.110 --> 00:14:21.240
And so today it's just
00:14:21.240 --> 00:14:24.420
all about doing what I need
to do inside my business.
00:14:24.420 --> 00:14:25.680
And I talk to people about
00:14:25.680 --> 00:14:27.570
doing the income producing activities
00:14:27.570 --> 00:14:30.033
versus the non-income
producing activities.
00:14:32.130 --> 00:14:34.800
Income producing activities
is bringing in clients
00:14:34.800 --> 00:14:36.510
and bringing in the revenue.
00:14:36.510 --> 00:14:39.000
Non-income producing
activities are things like
00:14:39.000 --> 00:14:40.770
setting up your PayPal account,
00:14:40.770 --> 00:14:43.560
setting up your files in your office.
00:14:43.560 --> 00:14:46.170
People just need some
discernment there, right?
00:14:46.170 --> 00:14:48.330
And then some days like yesterday,
00:14:48.330 --> 00:14:50.220
I just needed that
break to spend some time
00:14:50.220 --> 00:14:52.380
with the family, that was priority for me.
00:14:52.380 --> 00:14:55.860
So every day it's a check
and balance kind of thing,
00:14:55.860 --> 00:14:56.853
Christina, right?
00:14:58.470 --> 00:15:00.750
And I don't think enough people...
00:15:00.750 --> 00:15:02.850
So one of the things that
I do every single day,
00:15:02.850 --> 00:15:06.060
and I have for years, is
the first hour of my day,
00:15:06.060 --> 00:15:07.413
I spend in quiet time.
00:15:08.370 --> 00:15:11.460
So before I get on the phone,
before I start doing anything,
00:15:11.460 --> 00:15:16.453
I check in with myself by
reading, journaling, meditating.
00:15:18.048 --> 00:15:22.320
And I think about my goals
for the month and for the week
00:15:22.320 --> 00:15:23.910
and what are the three things
00:15:23.910 --> 00:15:25.890
that need the most attention today?
00:15:25.890 --> 00:15:28.620
And then I time block it on my calendar.
00:15:28.620 --> 00:15:30.030
I'm a big time blocker.
00:15:30.030 --> 00:15:30.863
That's another thing
(Christina laughing)
00:15:30.863 --> 00:15:34.530
I teach a lot of people.
(Carey laughs)
00:15:34.530 --> 00:15:37.680
And that's what the priorities become.
00:15:37.680 --> 00:15:39.510
- I love that you have
something actionable there,
00:15:39.510 --> 00:15:41.340
like that time with
yourself in the mornings.
00:15:41.340 --> 00:15:42.780
And then the time blocking.
00:15:42.780 --> 00:15:45.720
I hear that a lot from
people that are successful.
00:15:45.720 --> 00:15:48.635
I cannot do it to save
my life, I have tried.
00:15:48.635 --> 00:15:49.468
(Carey laughs)
00:15:49.468 --> 00:15:52.110
I don't know what it is, but
it just doesn't work for me.
00:15:52.110 --> 00:15:56.400
I can do the planning at
night, that was one trick.
00:15:56.400 --> 00:15:57.233
And everybody's like,
00:15:57.233 --> 00:15:58.066
"Oh no, that's a terrible
way to end your day
00:15:58.066 --> 00:15:59.400
'cause it gets your brain going."
00:15:59.400 --> 00:16:02.790
I'm like, "For me, it
gets it out of my brain
00:16:02.790 --> 00:16:05.910
and gives me permission to
stop thinking about it."
00:16:05.910 --> 00:16:08.460
So for me, I have to do it at
night and that works for me.
00:16:08.460 --> 00:16:10.110
Time blocking still does not work.
00:16:10.110 --> 00:16:11.040
I'm trying.
00:16:11.040 --> 00:16:12.150
I've tried.
00:16:12.150 --> 00:16:14.130
I've got somebody that's
working with me on that.
00:16:14.130 --> 00:16:15.810
And yeah.
- That's good.
00:16:15.810 --> 00:16:18.720
- I'm so bad at time blocking, so...
00:16:18.720 --> 00:16:21.930
- It's hard for people
who are super creative.
00:16:21.930 --> 00:16:23.730
- Yeah, and when you've got a team
00:16:23.730 --> 00:16:24.810
and when you've got clients,
00:16:24.810 --> 00:16:26.550
I think one of the biggest
things that's helped me
00:16:26.550 --> 00:16:29.430
is we have two people that
manage our clients now.
00:16:29.430 --> 00:16:33.360
And we've gotten them trained
and successful enough.
00:16:33.360 --> 00:16:35.580
And it's terrifying to put someone else
00:16:35.580 --> 00:16:37.680
in charge of your client relationships.
00:16:37.680 --> 00:16:39.420
But now I'm just managing my team.
00:16:39.420 --> 00:16:42.097
So instead of like 20, 30 people like,
00:16:42.097 --> 00:16:43.740
"Hey, do you got five minutes?"
00:16:43.740 --> 00:16:45.120
I only have a couple of people saying,
00:16:45.120 --> 00:16:46.560
do you got five minutes
throughout the day?
00:16:46.560 --> 00:16:48.873
So that's helped drastically.
00:16:49.890 --> 00:16:53.070
But yeah, it's definitely a...
00:16:53.070 --> 00:16:56.010
Do you have any advice for
people that are time blocking
00:16:56.010 --> 00:16:59.010
or trying to gain more
control over their schedules?
00:16:59.010 --> 00:17:00.450
Maybe if they're not time blocking.
00:17:00.450 --> 00:17:04.080
Just your schedule, your
calendar rules your day
00:17:04.080 --> 00:17:09.080
and you're at war with
father time all day long.
00:17:09.270 --> 00:17:11.070
Like what tips would you have there?
00:17:12.240 --> 00:17:13.500
- Well, I do know that
00:17:13.500 --> 00:17:14.730
there are two types of
people in the world.
00:17:14.730 --> 00:17:17.460
There are people who
cannot feel an hour pass
00:17:17.460 --> 00:17:18.993
to save their life, right?
00:17:20.220 --> 00:17:22.110
They just don't feel time moving.
00:17:22.110 --> 00:17:24.337
And so two or three hours will
go by it and they'll think,
00:17:24.337 --> 00:17:27.630
"Oh my gosh, what just happened
and where did that go?"
00:17:27.630 --> 00:17:31.350
And then there are other people
that can feel time passing.
00:17:31.350 --> 00:17:33.671
I happen to be one of those
people just because I think
00:17:33.671 --> 00:17:37.080
I've time blocked my schedule for so long
00:17:37.080 --> 00:17:38.820
that it's just internal, right?
00:17:38.820 --> 00:17:41.520
So if you are somebody that
doesn't feel the time passing,
00:17:41.520 --> 00:17:46.140
one, definitely need to use
some sort of a calendar tool,
00:17:46.140 --> 00:17:48.423
whether that's digital
or paper or whatever,
00:17:50.130 --> 00:17:52.230
and literally block the time.
00:17:52.230 --> 00:17:53.790
So when I started my first business,
00:17:53.790 --> 00:17:55.620
I had two babies at home.
00:17:55.620 --> 00:17:59.790
So I only had a two-hour
window to work on my business,
00:17:59.790 --> 00:18:01.440
literally nap time.
00:18:01.440 --> 00:18:03.420
So that block right there
00:18:03.420 --> 00:18:07.320
was only used for building my business.
00:18:07.320 --> 00:18:09.090
So I didn't take calls for my mother.
00:18:09.090 --> 00:18:11.490
I would tell her, "I'll call you later."
00:18:11.490 --> 00:18:15.300
So you have to just get
really committed to that block
00:18:15.300 --> 00:18:18.050
and you stay focused on
whatever it is you block there.
00:18:19.110 --> 00:18:21.000
I highly recommend people,
00:18:21.000 --> 00:18:23.010
especially if they can't
feel the time passing,
00:18:23.010 --> 00:18:25.870
is to set your timer on your
phone to go off every hour
00:18:26.820 --> 00:18:28.830
so that you do look up
from what you're doing
00:18:28.830 --> 00:18:29.677
and stop and say,
00:18:29.677 --> 00:18:34.350
"Okay, what is the best
use of my next 60 minutes?"
00:18:34.350 --> 00:18:35.520
- Yep.
- Right?
00:18:35.520 --> 00:18:37.350
- That hack has actually worked for me.
00:18:37.350 --> 00:18:40.680
I have the grandfather
clock thing on my phone.
00:18:40.680 --> 00:18:42.300
And I did that for a little while.
00:18:42.300 --> 00:18:43.900
And then I got this little dude.
00:18:44.850 --> 00:18:45.683
- Yeah.
00:18:45.683 --> 00:18:47.010
- And it's like, it has a little,
00:18:47.010 --> 00:18:48.300
like you can see it.
00:18:48.300 --> 00:18:49.230
- The night timer.
00:18:49.230 --> 00:18:50.340
- Yeah.
(Carey laughing)
00:18:50.340 --> 00:18:53.010
So one of the coolest
things that this did for me
00:18:53.010 --> 00:18:55.410
was I didn't space out before a meeting
00:18:55.410 --> 00:18:58.110
'cause like you always have
that like 10, 15 minutes
00:18:58.110 --> 00:19:00.750
where it's like, "I've
got call coming up,"
00:19:00.750 --> 00:19:02.610
and you're like, "What do I do
00:19:02.610 --> 00:19:05.160
with 10, 15 minutes
that I don't get lost?"
00:19:05.160 --> 00:19:06.817
And you start checking your
emails and you're like,
00:19:06.817 --> 00:19:08.430
"Crap, I'm like 10 minutes late."
00:19:08.430 --> 00:19:10.350
This little guy helped me
with that kind of stuff.
00:19:10.350 --> 00:19:12.900
I think I'm definitely in
I don't feel time passing
00:19:13.942 --> 00:19:16.320
(Christina laughing)
00:19:16.320 --> 00:19:17.387
- Yeah.
00:19:17.387 --> 00:19:18.600
And it is hard.
00:19:18.600 --> 00:19:19.433
It's hard.
00:19:19.433 --> 00:19:21.543
It's a habit that you
just have to develop.
00:19:22.500 --> 00:19:25.470
And I wish that I could tell entrepreneurs
00:19:25.470 --> 00:19:27.270
that it's all right,
it's not that big a deal.
00:19:27.270 --> 00:19:28.447
It's a big deal.
00:19:28.447 --> 00:19:29.280
(Christina laughing)
00:19:29.280 --> 00:19:30.360
It affects everything.
00:19:30.360 --> 00:19:31.193
- Yep.
00:19:31.193 --> 00:19:33.300
- So yeah.
00:19:33.300 --> 00:19:34.133
- Yeah.
00:19:34.133 --> 00:19:34.966
- Pay attention to that part.
- You end up
00:19:34.966 --> 00:19:37.020
with a lot of that whole
like where did the day go?
00:19:37.020 --> 00:19:37.860
Where did the week go?
00:19:37.860 --> 00:19:41.070
Holy crap, it's already
Friday, when did that happen?
00:19:41.070 --> 00:19:44.820
Or even like, where did
this entire year go?
00:19:44.820 --> 00:19:47.217
How are we halfway through May right now?
00:19:47.217 --> 00:19:48.845
Like what is going on?
00:19:48.845 --> 00:19:50.498
(Christina laughs)
00:19:50.498 --> 00:19:51.468
- That's true.
00:19:51.468 --> 00:19:52.301
- Yep.
00:19:52.301 --> 00:19:53.134
- That's so true.
00:19:53.134 --> 00:19:53.967
- Yep.
- Yeah.
00:19:53.967 --> 00:19:55.290
- That's how quickly
time can sneak up on you.
00:19:55.290 --> 00:19:57.780
On like a daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly basis.
00:19:57.780 --> 00:20:00.510
Is it just it's there before you know it.
00:20:00.510 --> 00:20:02.970
I think you've shared a
lot of really great tips.
00:20:02.970 --> 00:20:05.430
I know we're coming up on our time here.
00:20:05.430 --> 00:20:07.020
Tell us a little bit about you.
00:20:07.020 --> 00:20:09.510
So like where does someone find you?
00:20:09.510 --> 00:20:10.800
What does working with you look like?
00:20:10.800 --> 00:20:13.050
Who do you like to work with?
00:20:13.050 --> 00:20:15.240
- Yeah, thank you for asking.
00:20:15.240 --> 00:20:17.943
I have a website, it's just
my name, Careyconley.com.
00:20:19.290 --> 00:20:21.480
I do have a couple of books on Amazon.
00:20:21.480 --> 00:20:22.830
One is called "Vision is Victory"
00:20:22.830 --> 00:20:26.100
which is a workbook that people can take
00:20:26.100 --> 00:20:28.590
and actually write their vision
00:20:28.590 --> 00:20:30.960
like they've never done before.
00:20:30.960 --> 00:20:32.610
And I have a free downloadable version.
00:20:32.610 --> 00:20:33.443
Can I offer that
- Yes
00:20:33.443 --> 00:20:35.250
- If I just tell people
how to text and get it?
00:20:35.250 --> 00:20:39.420
Yeah, if you text the
word victory all in caps
00:20:39.420 --> 00:20:42.810
to 26786, you can get
the downloadable version.
00:20:42.810 --> 00:20:43.643
- That's good.
00:20:45.060 --> 00:20:47.330
- My daughter and I co-authored
a book together, Christina,
00:20:47.330 --> 00:20:50.130
in 2019 after we lost
my son and my husband
00:20:50.130 --> 00:20:51.870
and it's called "Keep Looking Up".
00:20:51.870 --> 00:20:53.880
So it tells a little
bit more about our story
00:20:53.880 --> 00:20:54.840
and what we've been through
00:20:54.840 --> 00:20:56.990
and what has helped us
through the journey.
00:20:58.440 --> 00:21:02.580
So I speak a lot, obviously
about vision, purpose,
00:21:02.580 --> 00:21:05.040
goal setting, life balance.
00:21:05.040 --> 00:21:07.320
It's my favorite thing to do.
00:21:07.320 --> 00:21:09.930
So I speak on stages,
I do a lot of podcasts,
00:21:09.930 --> 00:21:11.640
a lot of radio interviews.
00:21:11.640 --> 00:21:13.470
And I get hired.
00:21:13.470 --> 00:21:15.060
Specifically right now I'm getting hired
00:21:15.060 --> 00:21:18.130
by small business owners and
team leaders to come in and do
00:21:19.110 --> 00:21:22.380
my vision and life balance
workshop with them.
00:21:22.380 --> 00:21:23.640
If I can get the leader
00:21:23.640 --> 00:21:26.460
really, really more clear on their vision,
00:21:26.460 --> 00:21:28.053
it helps the entire team.
00:21:29.340 --> 00:21:31.200
So that's what I'm working on right now.
00:21:31.200 --> 00:21:33.270
I also have a digital tool
00:21:33.270 --> 00:21:36.600
that I highly recommend using called Lula.
00:21:36.600 --> 00:21:38.130
I started using it about a year ago
00:21:38.130 --> 00:21:40.980
and it helps people
craft their dream life.
00:21:40.980 --> 00:21:43.110
And it has a downloadable
app that they can use
00:21:43.110 --> 00:21:45.930
so that they can do their three
intentional things everyday.
00:21:45.930 --> 00:21:47.280
- Oh, that's really cool.
00:21:47.280 --> 00:21:49.410
And I would 100% agree with that.
00:21:49.410 --> 00:21:51.180
Like if you can get the leader on there,
00:21:51.180 --> 00:21:52.980
and there's so many things
that talk about this, right?
00:21:52.980 --> 00:21:56.400
I mean, if you look at all
the different EOS frameworks,
00:21:56.400 --> 00:22:00.990
scalable frameworks, they
all devote entire sections
00:22:00.990 --> 00:22:04.230
to just getting like the
leader to have some clarity
00:22:04.230 --> 00:22:07.290
and being able to communicate
that down to the team
00:22:07.290 --> 00:22:08.700
and to get the team on board
00:22:08.700 --> 00:22:11.790
because they need to know
why they're there every day.
00:22:11.790 --> 00:22:12.623
- Exactly.
00:22:12.623 --> 00:22:14.610
- I mean, that's one of
the things like we do
00:22:14.610 --> 00:22:16.890
is when I got really clear on,
00:22:16.890 --> 00:22:19.680
we help people turn their
superpowers into sales.
00:22:19.680 --> 00:22:21.210
Like you find people that are really good,
00:22:21.210 --> 00:22:22.080
really good at something,
00:22:22.080 --> 00:22:23.880
but you can't really tell
it unless you talk to them
00:22:23.880 --> 00:22:25.980
'cause all of their marketing is chaos
00:22:25.980 --> 00:22:27.750
and their messaging is terrible,
00:22:27.750 --> 00:22:29.190
we help them fix all of that.
00:22:29.190 --> 00:22:30.717
And it literally changes their life.
00:22:30.717 --> 00:22:35.010
And it's like once I was able
to articulate that to my team,
00:22:35.010 --> 00:22:36.750
it was like, well, everything changed.
00:22:36.750 --> 00:22:39.330
They even pushed back
and kept me corralled
00:22:39.330 --> 00:22:41.227
a little bit better when
I had like ideas like,
00:22:41.227 --> 00:22:42.210
"Hey, I wanna do this."
00:22:42.210 --> 00:22:44.790
And they're like, "But that
doesn't serve our clients
00:22:44.790 --> 00:22:46.470
and the mission that we're
trying to do for them."
00:22:46.470 --> 00:22:47.303
And I'm like...
00:22:47.303 --> 00:22:48.510
- Right.
00:22:48.510 --> 00:22:50.291
- Yeah
- They get the culture.
00:22:50.291 --> 00:22:51.124
(Carey laughs)
00:22:51.124 --> 00:22:53.910
- And it's like, so they
hold me back, which is good.
00:22:53.910 --> 00:22:56.370
'Cause we have like
entrepreneurial IDD sometimes
00:22:56.370 --> 00:22:58.170
where it's like, we have too many ideas.
00:22:58.170 --> 00:23:00.030
Like there's no shortage of ideas
00:23:00.030 --> 00:23:00.930
whenever you're an entrepreneur.
00:23:00.930 --> 00:23:02.280
- There is no.
00:23:02.280 --> 00:23:03.113
- There's a lot of people
00:23:03.113 --> 00:23:04.440
with a lot of really effective marketing
00:23:04.440 --> 00:23:06.510
to give us new ideas all the time.
00:23:06.510 --> 00:23:08.940
And that's why I love a lot
of this conversations around
00:23:08.940 --> 00:23:11.473
what's your vision,
what are you focused on?
00:23:11.473 --> 00:23:14.250
So I think this has been really great.
00:23:14.250 --> 00:23:16.410
I love the resources that
you shared with everybody
00:23:16.410 --> 00:23:17.730
and I think it's so powerful
00:23:17.730 --> 00:23:19.410
for someone to consider bringing you in.
00:23:19.410 --> 00:23:22.710
So I'm glad that I get
to amplify your message
00:23:22.710 --> 00:23:24.300
and shine the spotlight
on you a little bit,
00:23:24.300 --> 00:23:26.340
'cause I think what
you do is so important.
00:23:26.340 --> 00:23:28.920
So, thank you so much for coming on.
00:23:28.920 --> 00:23:29.970
- Well, thanks for having me.
00:23:29.970 --> 00:23:31.050
This has been fun.
00:23:31.050 --> 00:23:32.910
- Yeah, definitely.
00:23:32.910 --> 00:23:35.490
Guys listening, this is
your call to take action.
00:23:35.490 --> 00:23:37.620
Definitely reach out.
00:23:37.620 --> 00:23:39.540
Check in with Carey, go get the book.
00:23:39.540 --> 00:23:41.340
Definitely go get the book
and check out her website.
00:23:41.340 --> 00:23:43.200
I think there's so much value to that.
00:23:43.200 --> 00:23:44.670
And until next time, everybody.
00:23:44.670 --> 00:23:45.503
00:23:47.813 --> 00:23:50.396
(upbeat music)