"Helping profit driven small business owners develop concrete lead generation strategies to increase your profits ten fold!"
Mark A Newsome (aka Mr.Marketing) got his initial exposure to the exciting world of “Direct Response Marketing” when a friend of his (Jade) passed him a stack of business opportunity cards because, as she put it, “here Mark, this looks like just the sort of stuff that you would be interested in!”
And thank goodness one of them had (what he later) came to realize was nothing more than a powerful free lead generating offer by super offline “Direct Response Marketing” legend “Jay Abraham.”
In today's episode, Christina learns what the " Magic Question" is from Mark Newsome. Mark also shares why he thinks startups and aspiring entrepreneurs should be wary of using social media for their business.
- What is the magic question?
- Why should aspiring entrepreneurs should be wary of using social media for their business?
Links and Resources
- Mark's Website - https://www.youcanmarketonlinenow.com/
- Mark's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/askmarknewsome/
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00:00:01.230 --> 00:00:02.460
- Hey busy business people.
00:00:02.460 --> 00:00:05.340
I am here today with another
entrepreneur taking action,
00:00:05.340 --> 00:00:06.630
Mark Newsome.
00:00:06.630 --> 00:00:09.150
Mark helps small businesses systematically
00:00:09.150 --> 00:00:11.190
create long term repeat customers
00:00:11.190 --> 00:00:12.690
and win against their competitors
00:00:12.690 --> 00:00:14.850
for a fraction of the cost.
00:00:14.850 --> 00:00:16.740
And I'm getting the scoop
today on how he does it.
00:00:16.740 --> 00:00:18.410
So stay tuned.
00:00:18.410 --> 00:00:20.993
(bright music)
00:00:30.720 --> 00:00:33.240
All right, Mark, I wanna kick
things off by asking you,
00:00:33.240 --> 00:00:34.683
what is the magic question?
00:00:37.140 --> 00:00:38.847
- That is an awesome question
00:00:38.847 --> 00:00:41.340
and I'm so glad you asked that Christina.
00:00:41.340 --> 00:00:43.380
Simply this, ladies and gentlemen,
00:00:43.380 --> 00:00:46.860
I'm gonna try the magic question
out right now on Christina,
00:00:46.860 --> 00:00:48.120
she has no idea,
00:00:48.120 --> 00:00:49.860
I promise you this isn't rehearsed.
00:00:49.860 --> 00:00:53.580
And we're gonna see if this
Mr. Marketing Mark Newsomee guy
00:00:53.580 --> 00:00:54.780
has the goods or not.
00:00:54.780 --> 00:00:57.090
Christina, is it okay to periodically
00:00:57.090 --> 00:00:58.953
refer you new business and customers?
00:01:00.900 --> 00:01:02.190
- Yeah.
00:01:02.190 --> 00:01:03.510
- Now by the same token,
00:01:03.510 --> 00:01:04.710
as long as it doesn't take away
00:01:04.710 --> 00:01:06.390
from anything you're currently doing
00:01:06.390 --> 00:01:09.960
or will have going on in
the not so distant future,
00:01:09.960 --> 00:01:12.780
are you okay with periodically
returning the favor?
00:01:12.780 --> 00:01:13.893
- Yeah, of course.
00:01:16.440 --> 00:01:17.910
- Ladies and gentlemen,
you heard her words.
00:01:17.910 --> 00:01:19.260
Now let me translate this
00:01:19.260 --> 00:01:21.150
in case you didn't quite understand
00:01:21.150 --> 00:01:22.800
what she's really saying.
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What she's really saying to you or me,
00:01:25.140 --> 00:01:27.690
Mark, not only do you get access
00:01:27.690 --> 00:01:31.743
to the current resources,
assets, connections,
00:01:32.640 --> 00:01:34.800
excuse me, experiences,
00:01:34.800 --> 00:01:38.040
positive experiences and
negative that I've already had,
00:01:38.040 --> 00:01:40.170
but the ones that are
gonna be 10 times better
00:01:40.170 --> 00:01:43.590
if the future, you get access to them too.
00:01:43.590 --> 00:01:46.290
That's why that's the
magic question, Christina,
00:01:46.290 --> 00:01:47.730
because it opens the door.
00:01:47.730 --> 00:01:49.260
Ladies and gentlemen, your vendors,
00:01:49.260 --> 00:01:51.360
the current vendors, future vendors,
00:01:51.360 --> 00:01:53.820
start asking the magic question,
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especially in this environment.
00:01:56.970 --> 00:02:00.090
The ones you already have a
positive relationship with.
00:02:00.090 --> 00:02:01.620
Guess what you're gonna get access to?
00:02:01.620 --> 00:02:02.490
Think about this.
00:02:02.490 --> 00:02:05.070
For literally pennies on the dollar.
00:02:05.070 --> 00:02:08.880
Their current and future employees,
00:02:08.880 --> 00:02:13.080
their current and future vendors,
00:02:13.080 --> 00:02:17.670
their current and future
assets and resources.
00:02:17.670 --> 00:02:20.970
Do you know how much money
corporate America spends,
00:02:20.970 --> 00:02:21.960
well you do, Christina.
00:02:21.960 --> 00:02:25.440
But do you know how much money
corporate America expands
00:02:25.440 --> 00:02:28.290
yearly to get access
to this kind of stuff,
00:02:28.290 --> 00:02:30.990
to build it out and here
you and I are coming
00:02:30.990 --> 00:02:33.930
in the side door or the back door
00:02:33.930 --> 00:02:37.710
literally leveraging this stuff
for pennies on the dollar,
00:02:37.710 --> 00:02:39.843
simply by asking a simple question?
00:02:41.610 --> 00:02:44.280
- Yeah, that's amazing, I like that.
00:02:44.280 --> 00:02:46.320
It's like so many people
are afraid to make the ask.
00:02:46.320 --> 00:02:47.160
I know it's something
00:02:47.160 --> 00:02:48.840
that even I've been
working on here lately,
00:02:48.840 --> 00:02:50.887
it's just asking, just asking like,
00:02:50.887 --> 00:02:52.170
"Hey, do you know anybody?
00:02:52.170 --> 00:02:54.450
This is a service I'm
trying to sell right now,
00:02:54.450 --> 00:02:57.030
do you know anybody that
has this kind of problem
00:02:57.030 --> 00:02:59.340
and would be a good fit for it?"
00:02:59.340 --> 00:03:01.560
And people are responding
back, they're positive.
00:03:01.560 --> 00:03:02.393
They don't mind.
00:03:02.393 --> 00:03:03.480
- Absolutely.
00:03:03.480 --> 00:03:05.370
And it's like people started reciprocating
00:03:05.370 --> 00:03:07.860
and making the ask back
of me and that's cool.
00:03:07.860 --> 00:03:08.910
I don't have a problem with that
00:03:08.910 --> 00:03:10.410
because I asked them first.
00:03:10.410 --> 00:03:12.690
So I've gotta be prepared for that part.
00:03:12.690 --> 00:03:16.080
But yeah, making the
ask, it is so powerful
00:03:16.080 --> 00:03:17.980
when you're out building your network.
00:03:19.290 --> 00:03:21.690
So I know another thing that you have--
00:03:21.690 --> 00:03:23.190
- Let's piggyback off of--
00:03:23.190 --> 00:03:24.090
- Sorry, go ahead.
00:03:26.790 --> 00:03:28.470
- I was gonna say, let's
piggyback off of that.
00:03:28.470 --> 00:03:31.890
Have you noticed when Disney
and these megacorporations,
00:03:31.890 --> 00:03:35.430
when they wanna hire people,
they go to their customer base,
00:03:35.430 --> 00:03:38.040
their email subscribers
and they put it out there.
00:03:38.040 --> 00:03:39.690
Hey, we're hiring this, we're hiring that.
00:03:39.690 --> 00:03:41.880
In other words, instead
of going on television
00:03:41.880 --> 00:03:46.770
or local radio or national
radio, they go in house.
00:03:46.770 --> 00:03:47.603
00:03:47.603 --> 00:03:48.750
Because of what she just said.
00:03:49.650 --> 00:03:50.767
I don't know if you ever saw the movie,
00:03:50.767 --> 00:03:52.770
"Six Degrees of Separation".
00:03:52.770 --> 00:03:54.510
It shows you ladies and gentlemen
00:03:54.510 --> 00:03:56.700
within a few clicks here and there,
00:03:56.700 --> 00:04:01.530
we're all inter an
intraconnected, absolutely.
00:04:01.530 --> 00:04:02.363
- Yeah.
00:04:02.363 --> 00:04:03.810
Well I know another one of the strategies
00:04:03.810 --> 00:04:04.950
that a lot of small business owners
00:04:04.950 --> 00:04:07.500
get recommended is social
media because of that,
00:04:07.500 --> 00:04:09.270
because that's how you're
supposed to be able to connect.
00:04:09.270 --> 00:04:10.770
And you're supposed to be
able to find new people
00:04:10.770 --> 00:04:12.660
and build new relationships.
00:04:12.660 --> 00:04:15.120
But that's not something that
you typically advise people
00:04:15.120 --> 00:04:16.920
to do and you tell them
they should be wary of it.
00:04:16.920 --> 00:04:18.633
Why is that?
00:04:21.420 --> 00:04:23.970
- It sounds counterintuitive,
ladies and gentlemen.
00:04:23.970 --> 00:04:26.910
Christina's rocking social
media, I'm rocking social media,
00:04:26.910 --> 00:04:28.410
I hope you are rocking social media,
00:04:28.410 --> 00:04:32.073
but please do not forget this.
00:04:33.120 --> 00:04:38.120
You and I are glorified
tenants on social media.
00:04:38.310 --> 00:04:40.560
The Mark Zuckerbergs of Facebook,
00:04:40.560 --> 00:04:43.620
the Reid Hoffmans of LinkedIn,
00:04:43.620 --> 00:04:46.350
they are the landlords.
00:04:46.350 --> 00:04:47.760
And guess what?
00:04:47.760 --> 00:04:51.180
They can and will pull the
plug anytime they want.
00:04:51.180 --> 00:04:54.873
Christina, please, for your audience,
00:04:55.920 --> 00:04:57.390
verify this.
00:04:57.390 --> 00:05:00.870
I have been on countless webinars
00:05:00.870 --> 00:05:03.090
where the guru and guruettes
00:05:03.090 --> 00:05:08.090
who make seven and eight
figures have acknowledged.
00:05:09.540 --> 00:05:12.180
They recently had their
Twitter account shut down.
00:05:12.180 --> 00:05:15.270
They recently had their
Facebook group shut down.
00:05:15.270 --> 00:05:17.130
Their Facebook account shut down.
00:05:17.130 --> 00:05:18.450
Their Instagram.
00:05:18.450 --> 00:05:23.450
Two days ago they had 575,000
followers on Instagram.
00:05:23.820 --> 00:05:26.493
Woke up the next morning, gone.
00:05:27.690 --> 00:05:32.100
Had they not had their
own opt in email list,
00:05:32.100 --> 00:05:34.000
all that work would be down the drain.
00:05:35.670 --> 00:05:36.503
Ladies and gentlemen,
00:05:36.503 --> 00:05:38.610
your Titanic is headed toward an iceberg
00:05:38.610 --> 00:05:40.530
if all you're using is social media
00:05:40.530 --> 00:05:42.930
and you don't have your
own opt in email list,
00:05:42.930 --> 00:05:46.473
and I would say you need
your own self hosted blog.
00:05:51.681 --> 00:05:54.123
- I just had a glitch,
I can't hear. Hang on.
00:05:56.610 --> 00:05:58.500
My volume just decided to be crazy
00:05:58.500 --> 00:05:59.800
and it won't come back on.
00:06:10.771 --> 00:06:11.938
What on earth?
00:06:16.161 --> 00:06:16.994
That's a new one.
00:06:16.994 --> 00:06:18.603
My volume is going down on its own.
00:06:41.755 --> 00:06:43.500
What on earth?
00:06:43.500 --> 00:06:45.600
This has never happened before, I'm sorry.
00:06:47.850 --> 00:06:48.780
- No worries.
00:06:48.780 --> 00:06:50.297
- It's like I bump it up to 100
00:06:50.297 --> 00:06:53.193
and it just goes way down
to zero all on its own.
00:06:56.040 --> 00:06:58.890
- Hey, the little bar is showing up again.
00:06:58.890 --> 00:07:00.190
Oh, that's on mine though.
00:07:03.970 --> 00:07:08.970
- What?
00:07:10.947 --> 00:07:13.383
- And I promise I have
all my windows closed.
00:07:17.190 --> 00:07:18.293
- What is it doing?
00:07:35.291 --> 00:07:36.708
What is going on?
00:07:44.010 --> 00:07:45.690
It's like my whole computer sound,
00:07:45.690 --> 00:07:47.700
it doesn't matter whether
I'm speakers or headphone,
00:07:47.700 --> 00:07:49.623
is just not going up.
00:07:52.920 --> 00:07:54.170
- Because I can hear you.
00:07:56.134 --> 00:07:58.650
- I can hear you for half a
second when I drag the slider up
00:07:58.650 --> 00:08:00.030
to 100 and then it just
00:08:00.030 --> 00:08:02.313
goes right back down
to zero all on its own.
00:08:03.810 --> 00:08:08.810
- Oh I see. Some kind of glitch.
00:08:08.978 --> 00:08:12.061
- It's like maybe if I hold it there.
00:08:13.457 --> 00:08:16.353
What on earth?
00:08:16.353 --> 00:08:19.203
Talk about computer
glitches of all time, what?
00:08:21.773 --> 00:08:22.606
- Yeah, right.
00:08:22.606 --> 00:08:23.439
It never fails.
00:08:25.921 --> 00:08:28.000
- I don't even know how to
fix that, why isn't it...
00:08:34.358 --> 00:08:35.191
00:08:35.191 --> 00:08:37.550
- Should we just close
out and redo it or...
00:08:40.880 --> 00:08:42.830
- Is there like a troubleshooter thing?
00:09:01.571 --> 00:09:03.540
I'm letting it try and
run a diagnostic to see
00:09:03.540 --> 00:09:06.568
if it can figure out
what happened to my audio
00:09:06.568 --> 00:09:07.818
00:09:43.816 --> 00:09:46.733
Oh, this is so crazy. I'm so sorry.
00:09:52.262 --> 00:09:54.762
- Timing is everything, right?
00:10:03.870 --> 00:10:06.703
- This is just the craziest thing.
00:10:39.383 --> 00:10:41.460
Dude, I have never had to do that before.
00:10:41.460 --> 00:10:43.273
I have no idea what is going on.
00:10:45.220 --> 00:10:47.637
- Well this a good reference.
00:10:51.727 --> 00:10:55.230
- Oh yeah, because my
microphone's working but speakers.
00:10:55.230 --> 00:10:56.133
What the heck?
00:11:00.990 --> 00:11:02.403
There it is. Hey.
00:11:06.270 --> 00:11:08.493
What was that? That was crazy.
00:11:15.352 --> 00:11:19.602
I think we are. It's really
loud though, we'll see.
00:11:20.548 --> 00:11:22.048
Maybe right there.
00:11:24.030 --> 00:11:25.080
I usually use headphones
00:11:25.080 --> 00:11:27.463
so my microphone doesn't pick it up,
00:11:27.463 --> 00:11:29.880
but I may have to go
through my speakers, weird.
00:11:29.880 --> 00:11:32.220
It was like I would move it back up
00:11:32.220 --> 00:11:33.510
and it was just like, no.
00:11:33.510 --> 00:11:34.910
And it went right back down.
00:11:36.630 --> 00:11:38.130
So holy crap. All right.
00:11:38.130 --> 00:11:40.350
My video team will have
some little bit of fun
00:11:40.350 --> 00:11:42.510
cutting that bit of the recording out
00:11:42.510 --> 00:11:45.090
where I had to lose my mind.
00:11:45.090 --> 00:11:45.923
- Yeah, right?
00:11:46.860 --> 00:11:48.003
- Oh man. Okay.
00:11:48.960 --> 00:11:50.010
I'm so sorry about that.
00:11:50.010 --> 00:11:53.010
Do we wanna start back
over with why social media?
00:11:53.010 --> 00:11:55.740
- What could you do? What could you do?
00:11:55.740 --> 00:11:56.573
These things happen.
00:11:56.573 --> 00:11:58.680
- I'll let them just
cut it out and we can,
00:11:58.680 --> 00:11:59.513
would that be okay?
00:11:59.513 --> 00:12:01.770
We'll just start back with
the social media question
00:12:01.770 --> 00:12:03.270
and my team can just cut this chunk out
00:12:03.270 --> 00:12:04.140
where it went all crazy?
00:12:04.140 --> 00:12:06.090
- Okay. Let's do it.
00:12:06.090 --> 00:12:06.923
- All right.
00:12:06.923 --> 00:12:08.130
- Because as I was thinking about it,
00:12:08.130 --> 00:12:09.330
I wanna add some stuff anyway.
00:12:09.330 --> 00:12:10.163
- All right, cool.
00:12:10.163 --> 00:12:12.483
Well you get a retake on
it. So all right, fun.
00:12:13.860 --> 00:12:16.830
Now that we are back from
a slight technical glitch,
00:12:16.830 --> 00:12:18.900
I know we were talking about,
00:12:18.900 --> 00:12:21.330
we did the magic question
and another strategy that was
00:12:21.330 --> 00:12:24.660
really popular with small
business owners is social media,
00:12:24.660 --> 00:12:27.060
but that's not something
that you typically recommend.
00:12:27.060 --> 00:12:29.703
You tell them to be wary
of it. Can you tell us why?
00:12:32.520 --> 00:12:34.260
- That's an excellent question.
00:12:34.260 --> 00:12:35.930
Christina, as you well know,
00:12:35.930 --> 00:12:38.610
ladies and gentlemen, you
should be on social media.
00:12:38.610 --> 00:12:41.520
She's rocking social media.
I'm rocking social media.
00:12:41.520 --> 00:12:44.100
I sincerely hope you are
rocking social media,
00:12:44.100 --> 00:12:47.700
but there is a huge caveat,
00:12:47.700 --> 00:12:50.730
the 800 pound gorilla
in the room if you will.
00:12:50.730 --> 00:12:52.470
Ladies and gentlemen,
please do not forget this.
00:12:52.470 --> 00:12:53.920
This is critically important.
00:12:55.350 --> 00:12:58.221
The Reid Hoffmans of LinkedIn,
00:12:58.221 --> 00:13:02.010
the Mark Zuckerbergs of
Facebook, don't ever forget,
00:13:02.010 --> 00:13:04.650
they are the landlords.
00:13:04.650 --> 00:13:08.010
You and I are the tenants on social media,
00:13:08.010 --> 00:13:12.960
which means you can and will
get your accounts pulled.
00:13:12.960 --> 00:13:14.370
Christina, I can't count the times
00:13:14.370 --> 00:13:18.540
I've been on a webinar
with some of the major six,
00:13:18.540 --> 00:13:22.530
seven, and eight figure
earners who have conceded.
00:13:22.530 --> 00:13:25.770
They've had their
Facebook group shut down.
00:13:25.770 --> 00:13:30.453
They've had their Facebook PPC
accounts paused or shut down.
00:13:31.320 --> 00:13:35.520
They've had their 575,000
Instagram followers
00:13:35.520 --> 00:13:37.800
disappear overnight.
00:13:37.800 --> 00:13:41.730
Had it not been for the
fact that they had their own
00:13:41.730 --> 00:13:46.730
opt in email list, all
that work, all that money,
00:13:47.820 --> 00:13:50.340
all the resources they
dedicated to building up
00:13:50.340 --> 00:13:53.460
on those platforms would
be a complete waste.
00:13:53.460 --> 00:13:56.460
So ladies and gentlemen,
to stay in control,
00:13:56.460 --> 00:14:01.460
you and I have to have
your own opt in email list.
00:14:02.550 --> 00:14:03.930
Period. End of story.
00:14:03.930 --> 00:14:05.550
You can start off with a free account
00:14:05.550 --> 00:14:09.570
on these major platforms
with opt in email,
00:14:09.570 --> 00:14:13.140
but as quickly as you can
get to the paid version
00:14:13.140 --> 00:14:15.600
so you get all the bells and whistles,
00:14:15.600 --> 00:14:17.400
all the functionality, okay?
00:14:17.400 --> 00:14:20.190
It's sexy to say, oh, I'm
using the free version.
00:14:20.190 --> 00:14:21.180
And I don't wanna name names.
00:14:21.180 --> 00:14:22.020
Some of you know who they are,
00:14:22.020 --> 00:14:25.290
but you don't get all the
functionality you need.
00:14:25.290 --> 00:14:27.090
You need all the functionality.
00:14:27.090 --> 00:14:30.060
So stay on social media,
do what you need to do,
00:14:30.060 --> 00:14:32.160
but leverage it by
trying to get the people
00:14:32.160 --> 00:14:33.780
on social media following you
00:14:33.780 --> 00:14:34.707
onto your own opt in email list.
00:14:34.707 --> 00:14:36.000
- Oh, I agree with that.
00:14:36.000 --> 00:14:39.720
I've heard so many horror
stories, so many horror stories.
00:14:39.720 --> 00:14:42.540
I mean down to not just
where your audience lives,
00:14:42.540 --> 00:14:44.820
but even how you generate new business,
00:14:44.820 --> 00:14:47.280
how you generate customers and leads.
00:14:47.280 --> 00:14:49.290
I know one girl who was running,
00:14:49.290 --> 00:14:50.880
she does the challenges or whatever.
00:14:50.880 --> 00:14:53.430
And she had done one and it worked great.
00:14:53.430 --> 00:14:55.890
She had her ads figured out, she was good.
00:14:55.890 --> 00:14:58.380
She was getting ready to run it again.
00:14:58.380 --> 00:15:00.420
And they shut down her Facebook ad account
00:15:00.420 --> 00:15:02.280
two days into starting to promote it.
00:15:02.280 --> 00:15:06.090
So just enough that she
already had people signed up,
00:15:06.090 --> 00:15:07.920
but she couldn't get more
00:15:07.920 --> 00:15:09.840
because the Facebook
ads was how she did it.
00:15:09.840 --> 00:15:12.420
That's how she got people
signed up for her challenge.
00:15:12.420 --> 00:15:15.663
And when they said no
Facebook ad account for you,
00:15:17.670 --> 00:15:19.470
how else is she getting
people into her challenge?
00:15:19.470 --> 00:15:20.820
She had no other way to do it.
00:15:20.820 --> 00:15:22.080
So it's like, here you are,
00:15:22.080 --> 00:15:24.300
launching her challenge in two weeks.
00:15:24.300 --> 00:15:25.230
And she's terrified
00:15:25.230 --> 00:15:27.840
she's only gonna have like
four or five people show up
00:15:27.840 --> 00:15:32.340
because they took her ads
off and she spent like,
00:15:32.340 --> 00:15:33.270
it was ridiculous,
00:15:33.270 --> 00:15:35.040
it sound like six weeks or something
00:15:35.040 --> 00:15:36.900
because you can't make another ad account
00:15:36.900 --> 00:15:38.670
because then they'll get onto you.
00:15:38.670 --> 00:15:40.170
You have to resolve the issue.
00:15:40.170 --> 00:15:42.120
And she had it happen three more times.
00:15:43.080 --> 00:15:47.040
So it's not just about
controlling where they live.
00:15:47.040 --> 00:15:48.690
If all of your people
are in a Facebook group,
00:15:48.690 --> 00:15:49.860
you don't have them on your email
00:15:49.860 --> 00:15:52.290
and they turn off your
Facebook group, like holy crap.
00:15:52.290 --> 00:15:53.910
But also your legion.
00:15:53.910 --> 00:15:57.453
How are you making leads happen
if it's all on one platform?
00:15:58.290 --> 00:16:00.183
Yikes. Terrifying.
00:16:02.010 --> 00:16:03.030
And it happens a lot.
00:16:03.030 --> 00:16:05.250
- This happens all the time.
00:16:05.250 --> 00:16:06.153
Let's be honest.
00:16:08.170 --> 00:16:10.350
They glorify this, oh you can scale.
00:16:10.350 --> 00:16:11.310
And that's true.
00:16:11.310 --> 00:16:13.680
But the problem, what they're
not telling you is later,
00:16:13.680 --> 00:16:15.810
you're walking through
a minefield blindfolded.
00:16:15.810 --> 00:16:17.520
You don't know when and how.
00:16:17.520 --> 00:16:18.840
I like to say this, Christina,
00:16:18.840 --> 00:16:20.520
and I hope this doesn't
sound sexist ladies,
00:16:20.520 --> 00:16:24.900
but it's the equivalent
of sleeping on the couch
00:16:24.900 --> 00:16:26.820
in your mother-in-law's house after
00:16:26.820 --> 00:16:29.190
you and your wife have separated.
00:16:29.190 --> 00:16:32.370
She may just come home one
day and say you gotta go.
00:16:32.370 --> 00:16:34.290
Where is that gonna leave you?
00:16:34.290 --> 00:16:38.280
So don't put yourself in that position,
00:16:38.280 --> 00:16:41.680
try to stack the deck in your
favor and the way you do that
00:16:42.900 --> 00:16:44.910
is by having your own opt in email list,
00:16:44.910 --> 00:16:45.860
ladies and gentlemen.
00:16:45.860 --> 00:16:46.693
- Absolutely.
00:16:46.693 --> 00:16:49.366
And they can't even always let you know,
00:16:49.366 --> 00:16:50.880
people just assume if
Facebook's gonna make a change,
00:16:50.880 --> 00:16:51.713
they're gonna let you know.
00:16:51.713 --> 00:16:53.670
But a lot of times it's no warning.
00:16:53.670 --> 00:16:56.520
And then sometimes it's like
inter platform politics,
00:16:56.520 --> 00:16:59.070
like when Apple made their whole updates
00:16:59.070 --> 00:17:01.890
for privacy and Facebook
ads stopped working.
00:17:01.890 --> 00:17:04.680
And you're just caught in the
middle of these two giants
00:17:04.680 --> 00:17:09.090
being like, and here you go,
you're the little guy going,
00:17:09.090 --> 00:17:10.440
but what about me?
00:17:10.440 --> 00:17:12.273
And they don't care.
00:17:13.590 --> 00:17:14.823
You're just one person.
00:17:16.020 --> 00:17:16.853
- That's right.
00:17:16.853 --> 00:17:18.090
They got people lined up,
00:17:18.090 --> 00:17:20.310
literally lined up to
jump on the platform.
00:17:20.310 --> 00:17:21.510
That's the truth.
00:17:21.510 --> 00:17:22.893
So take heed.
00:17:23.850 --> 00:17:27.013
Be on social media, but
don't be relying on it.
00:17:28.183 --> 00:17:29.053
- Now let's talk about how you do that.
00:17:29.053 --> 00:17:31.650
We're talking about using social media
00:17:31.650 --> 00:17:33.270
to be like, hi, I'm me, look at me,
00:17:33.270 --> 00:17:35.310
but then how do I get
them to my email list?
00:17:35.310 --> 00:17:37.433
What are some suggestions
do you have there?
00:17:38.520 --> 00:17:40.650
- Well, very simply.
00:17:40.650 --> 00:17:41.730
I'm gonna try two things here.
00:17:41.730 --> 00:17:44.490
This is powerful what she's saying,
00:17:44.490 --> 00:17:47.220
I'm gonna use offline
then we'll jump to online.
00:17:47.220 --> 00:17:48.240
In your offline business,
00:17:48.240 --> 00:17:49.650
how do you build build an email list?
00:17:49.650 --> 00:17:53.430
Let's say she has a
retail appliance source.
00:17:53.430 --> 00:17:55.567
She's got one location right now.
00:17:55.567 --> 00:17:57.060
She's thinking about maybe
opening the second one,
00:17:57.060 --> 00:17:58.230
but she's not franchising.
00:17:58.230 --> 00:17:59.580
What I mean by that is she doesn't have
00:17:59.580 --> 00:18:01.740
corporate America on top of her,
00:18:01.740 --> 00:18:03.090
tell her what she can and can't do.
00:18:03.090 --> 00:18:04.680
She's an independent business owner.
00:18:04.680 --> 00:18:06.180
First thing,
00:18:06.180 --> 00:18:09.090
you know how outrageously
high the markup is
00:18:09.090 --> 00:18:11.280
in retail, Christina, right?
00:18:11.280 --> 00:18:12.113
There's no joke.
00:18:12.113 --> 00:18:14.733
They got commissions, they
got taxes, they got fees,
00:18:15.690 --> 00:18:18.840
they got lot, so that's why
they have to jack it up so high.
00:18:18.840 --> 00:18:23.160
the point being she's
gonna offer every 90 days
00:18:23.160 --> 00:18:28.033
a free drawing to win a $10,000
00:18:29.580 --> 00:18:31.800
deluxe home entertainment system.
00:18:31.800 --> 00:18:33.420
Does that not sound fancy?
00:18:33.420 --> 00:18:34.253
Now in reality,
00:18:34.253 --> 00:18:37.860
her hard cost is half, say
$5,000 or even a little less.
00:18:37.860 --> 00:18:38.693
In reality,
00:18:38.693 --> 00:18:40.740
this is gonna be a closeout item that
00:18:40.740 --> 00:18:43.410
rather than just discount
it one time and sell it,
00:18:43.410 --> 00:18:45.480
she's gonna get multiple use out of it
00:18:45.480 --> 00:18:47.700
because she's gonna offer
it as a free drawing.
00:18:47.700 --> 00:18:49.410
And the people that walk into the store,
00:18:49.410 --> 00:18:51.480
she's gonna have big giant
signs all over the store.
00:18:51.480 --> 00:18:54.870
Free drawing, extremely
limited time, enter now.
00:18:54.870 --> 00:18:56.100
So large, I like to say,
00:18:56.100 --> 00:18:58.560
music legend Stevie
Wonder couldn't miss it.
00:18:58.560 --> 00:19:00.420
So you know
00:19:00.420 --> 00:19:04.140
her customer base is gonna
jump on the fact that
00:19:04.140 --> 00:19:05.790
they wanna win this free drawing
00:19:05.790 --> 00:19:08.250
and she'll have three prizes.
00:19:08.250 --> 00:19:10.290
First grant prize winner, they win that,
00:19:10.290 --> 00:19:13.440
second grand prize winner
and third grand prize winner.
00:19:13.440 --> 00:19:16.110
And basically here's the way the follow up
00:19:16.110 --> 00:19:18.570
for the second grand prize winner works.
00:19:18.570 --> 00:19:21.907
You're gonna get an email
from Christina that says,
00:19:21.907 --> 00:19:24.453
"congratulations", exclamation point.
00:19:25.921 --> 00:19:27.752
That's the subject on it. Say what?
00:19:27.752 --> 00:19:28.667
So you click on it. You open it up.
00:19:28.667 --> 00:19:31.350
And it says, dear, it'll
probably have your name.
00:19:31.350 --> 00:19:32.580
Dear Mark.
00:19:32.580 --> 00:19:36.570
Thank you for entering
our quarterly drawing.
00:19:36.570 --> 00:19:39.510
Unfortunately, you didn't
win the first grand prize.
00:19:39.510 --> 00:19:42.450
That went to Susie Cream Cheese,
00:19:42.450 --> 00:19:46.770
however you've won an extremely
valuable second prize.
00:19:46.770 --> 00:19:47.703
Ooh, what?
00:19:49.110 --> 00:19:51.750
If you come to the store before this date,
00:19:51.750 --> 00:19:54.930
you could save 10% off, up to $100, what?
00:19:54.930 --> 00:19:59.763
However, simply for dragging
a friend who's at least 18,
00:20:00.690 --> 00:20:04.890
you can save 40%, up to $1,500.
00:20:04.890 --> 00:20:09.090
And as long as your guest joins our list
00:20:09.090 --> 00:20:12.240
before they leave the store,
00:20:12.240 --> 00:20:16.800
they can save 30% off up to $1,000.
00:20:16.800 --> 00:20:17.633
Now, ladies and gentlemen,
00:20:17.633 --> 00:20:21.480
let me show you how powerful
a strategy like this is.
00:20:21.480 --> 00:20:24.420
We call this the McDonald's
technology Christina,
00:20:24.420 --> 00:20:26.520
you say why do you call it that, Mark?
00:20:26.520 --> 00:20:29.040
Christina, finish this off for me.
00:20:29.040 --> 00:20:31.320
You go into McDonald's,
Wendy's, or Burger King
00:20:31.320 --> 00:20:35.520
and you say "I'll have
the strawberry shake
00:20:35.520 --> 00:20:37.590
and the quarter pounder with cheese".
00:20:37.590 --> 00:20:42.030
And that cashier who's
anywhere from 16 to 25
00:20:42.030 --> 00:20:44.347
is trained to come back and say,
00:20:44.347 --> 00:20:45.997
"would you like fries with that?"
00:20:47.449 --> 00:20:48.807
Now you know what happens
when McDonald's does that
00:20:48.807 --> 00:20:52.170
and Burger King or Wendy's or
whoever's using that strategy?
00:20:52.170 --> 00:20:55.290
Instead of having to go back on national
00:20:55.290 --> 00:20:59.070
or local primetime radio
or TV umpteen times
00:20:59.070 --> 00:21:01.380
to get you and I back in the store without
00:21:01.380 --> 00:21:05.130
having to run an outrageously
expensive full page
00:21:05.130 --> 00:21:06.240
or half a page ad,
00:21:06.240 --> 00:21:09.510
a local popular newspaper
or throwaway guide,
00:21:09.510 --> 00:21:11.677
that simple six word question,
00:21:11.677 --> 00:21:13.320
"would you like fries with that?"
00:21:13.320 --> 00:21:15.717
or "would you like fries and apple pie?"
00:21:17.460 --> 00:21:20.190
That simple phrase,
00:21:20.190 --> 00:21:23.040
10 to 40% of their daily foot traffic
00:21:23.040 --> 00:21:25.923
around the world, people, says yes.
00:21:27.317 --> 00:21:29.280
And you know what McDonald's did?
00:21:29.280 --> 00:21:34.280
They got their smartest
probably Harvard graduated
00:21:34.620 --> 00:21:37.440
marketing guru and guruettes and said hey,
00:21:37.440 --> 00:21:39.450
how can we take our, we call them upsell,
00:21:39.450 --> 00:21:41.520
some people call them bumps.
00:21:41.520 --> 00:21:45.090
I guess the millennials call
them income multipliers.
00:21:45.090 --> 00:21:46.590
But the point is, they said,
00:21:46.590 --> 00:21:48.930
how do we take this to the next level?
00:21:48.930 --> 00:21:50.970
And this is what they came up with.
00:21:50.970 --> 00:21:53.100
When they say "would you
like fries with that?"
00:21:53.100 --> 00:21:54.163
and you and I,
00:21:54.163 --> 00:21:55.440
10 to 40% of their daily foot traffic,
00:21:55.440 --> 00:21:57.930
talking millions of people say yes,
00:21:57.930 --> 00:22:00.627
they come back and say "supersize you?"
00:22:01.470 --> 00:22:02.730
And guess what?
00:22:02.730 --> 00:22:06.420
Another 10 to 40% of the 10 to 40%,
00:22:06.420 --> 00:22:08.730
hopefully that's not
too complicated, right?
00:22:08.730 --> 00:22:11.130
We say yes. Now let's take this online.
00:22:11.130 --> 00:22:13.170
Because you're saying,
okay, Mark. That's great.
00:22:13.170 --> 00:22:16.170
I see how an offline business
is doing. I'm online.
00:22:16.170 --> 00:22:17.550
I'm 100% online.
00:22:17.550 --> 00:22:18.990
And let me just say one other thing
00:22:18.990 --> 00:22:21.090
about this online business here Christina,
00:22:21.090 --> 00:22:22.890
because I started offline.
00:22:22.890 --> 00:22:25.260
I was on a podcast a while back where
00:22:25.260 --> 00:22:30.260
the host, who is a brilliant PPC,
00:22:30.600 --> 00:22:32.430
try saying that fast three times.
00:22:32.430 --> 00:22:35.040
She all but just listen,
00:22:35.040 --> 00:22:36.210
I don't do anything offline.
00:22:36.210 --> 00:22:37.740
So basically in her mind,
00:22:37.740 --> 00:22:41.127
snail mail, direct mail was
old school, a waste of time.
00:22:41.127 --> 00:22:43.380
And I tried to point out
to her and her audience,
00:22:43.380 --> 00:22:45.300
listen, ladies and gentlemen,
00:22:45.300 --> 00:22:50.300
long before there was a
phenomenon called the internet,
00:22:51.720 --> 00:22:56.720
direct snail mail had
already produced trillions
00:22:57.390 --> 00:23:01.030
with a T of dollars in profit
00:23:02.280 --> 00:23:04.560
long before we had this
thing called the internet.
00:23:04.560 --> 00:23:06.870
So now I say this,
00:23:06.870 --> 00:23:09.150
if you don't know how to
use direct snail mail,
00:23:09.150 --> 00:23:10.620
you're gonna waste a lot of money.
00:23:10.620 --> 00:23:12.869
It can be outrageously expensive,
00:23:12.869 --> 00:23:14.940
but don't discount the fact,
00:23:14.940 --> 00:23:16.300
let's say Christina's got
00:23:17.432 --> 00:23:21.780
an offline database of
700,000 people nationwide.
00:23:21.780 --> 00:23:24.960
We're talking America, this
whatever your country is,
00:23:24.960 --> 00:23:27.600
do you not realize if she sends a postcard
00:23:27.600 --> 00:23:32.600
to all of those people and
puts your or my web address,
00:23:33.480 --> 00:23:37.770
lead capture page address,
mentions our podcast,
00:23:37.770 --> 00:23:41.850
do you know how much
traffic you can generate
00:23:41.850 --> 00:23:44.160
even though you are not the one using
00:23:44.160 --> 00:23:46.350
or paying for the direct snail mail?
00:23:46.350 --> 00:23:47.183
So the point,
00:23:47.183 --> 00:23:50.040
what I'm trying to get you to
understand is you can leverage
00:23:50.040 --> 00:23:54.360
assets and resources that you
don't own, you don't control,
00:23:54.360 --> 00:23:56.970
but you can leverage, right?
00:23:56.970 --> 00:23:59.850
So online to answer
your question directly,
00:23:59.850 --> 00:24:02.013
have a giveaway.
00:24:03.000 --> 00:24:05.490
You know what Christina, I
went to a website recently,
00:24:05.490 --> 00:24:08.313
this young lady had a
site about being psychic.
00:24:09.300 --> 00:24:11.640
And I said to myself, man,
00:24:11.640 --> 00:24:14.430
if I could get on a
consultation with this lady,
00:24:14.430 --> 00:24:17.730
here's what I suggest she at least test.
00:24:17.730 --> 00:24:21.510
She should have either a slide
in or a pop up or an inline,
00:24:21.510 --> 00:24:23.820
meaning that's built into
the page, and get this.
00:24:23.820 --> 00:24:27.290
It would say, "Are you psychic??"
00:24:33.630 --> 00:24:37.080
How would you say, free
seven questionnaire,
00:24:37.080 --> 00:24:41.640
will help you discover if you or your kids
00:24:41.640 --> 00:24:43.650
are psychic, exclamation point.
00:24:43.650 --> 00:24:46.170
And then your name and your email address.
00:24:46.170 --> 00:24:47.850
Now if the people are coming to a site
00:24:47.850 --> 00:24:50.280
about being psychic or
something about psychics,
00:24:50.280 --> 00:24:53.823
they probably wanna
know, are they psychic?
00:24:54.810 --> 00:24:55.643
You know what I mean?
00:24:55.643 --> 00:24:56.910
So that would be your giveaway.
00:24:56.910 --> 00:24:59.100
That's your inducing. We
call it a lead magnet.
00:24:59.100 --> 00:25:01.080
Seth Golden calls it bait.
00:25:01.080 --> 00:25:01.950
That's really crass.
00:25:01.950 --> 00:25:03.780
But in other words,
00:25:03.780 --> 00:25:08.340
know your audience well enough
that what are the top five
00:25:08.340 --> 00:25:12.060
questions or issues or concerns they have,
00:25:12.060 --> 00:25:15.120
pick out the one you know
you can deliver the goods on
00:25:15.120 --> 00:25:16.650
and you don't give the form,
00:25:16.650 --> 00:25:18.250
you give away the hors d'oeurve,
00:25:19.500 --> 00:25:20.553
that's your giveaway.
00:25:21.390 --> 00:25:22.230
Ladies and gentlemen,
00:25:22.230 --> 00:25:23.577
do you not know this?
00:25:23.577 --> 00:25:25.650
Now Christina, you and I know this,
00:25:25.650 --> 00:25:27.350
but some of your audience may not.
00:25:28.200 --> 00:25:33.200
If you are trying to drive
cold traffic to a website
00:25:33.270 --> 00:25:36.780
to sell something to a first time visitor,
00:25:36.780 --> 00:25:39.390
that is the equivalent of meeting somebody
00:25:39.390 --> 00:25:41.340
at a social function
00:25:41.340 --> 00:25:43.110
and after 30 minutes of talking to them,
00:25:43.110 --> 00:25:44.460
propose a marriage to them.
00:25:45.960 --> 00:25:48.843
How ridiculous is that? You just met.
00:25:49.680 --> 00:25:52.633
You said, well, Mark,
what's the alternative?
00:25:52.633 --> 00:25:53.466
00:25:53.466 --> 00:25:54.299
What do you mean?
00:25:54.299 --> 00:25:55.833
You exchange some information.
00:25:56.910 --> 00:25:58.237
The free giveaway's equivalent of
00:25:58.237 --> 00:26:00.300
"let's have a cup of coffee",
00:26:00.300 --> 00:26:01.777
very nonthreatening.
00:26:01.777 --> 00:26:02.910
"Let's get to know each other".
00:26:02.910 --> 00:26:04.590
Now maybe after a couple dates,
00:26:04.590 --> 00:26:06.843
then you reveal you're out on parole.
00:26:08.220 --> 00:26:09.750
But the point is
00:26:09.750 --> 00:26:12.570
jump in trying to sell strangers.
00:26:12.570 --> 00:26:14.610
And that's what most of you are doing.
00:26:14.610 --> 00:26:15.960
Christina, you're on LinkedIn.
00:26:15.960 --> 00:26:20.310
I cannot tell you how many times
somebody DMs me on LinkedIn
00:26:20.310 --> 00:26:23.613
and the next message they're
asking me for something.
00:26:25.590 --> 00:26:28.234
- People don't think about the
fact it can take you years.
00:26:28.234 --> 00:26:29.067
- We don't know each other.
00:26:29.067 --> 00:26:30.540
I don't know anything about your business,
00:26:30.540 --> 00:26:32.640
your product or your service.
00:26:32.640 --> 00:26:36.810
And here you are trying to
propose marriage, a sale.
00:26:36.810 --> 00:26:38.292
Don't do it.
00:26:38.292 --> 00:26:41.670
And somebody might be
in your world for years
00:26:41.670 --> 00:26:43.942
before they purchase anything.
00:26:43.942 --> 00:26:45.180
I mean, they're just consuming
stuff you're putting out.
00:26:45.180 --> 00:26:47.310
That's why content is so important.
00:26:47.310 --> 00:26:50.190
Putting content out, putting
stuff out in your email list.
00:26:50.190 --> 00:26:53.010
Even when people understand
like, oh, okay, I get you,
00:26:53.010 --> 00:26:55.140
I hear you, Mark, I
can make a lead magnet.
00:26:55.140 --> 00:26:56.430
They'll do a lead magnet.
00:26:56.430 --> 00:26:59.190
And then three emails
later they're like, okay,
00:26:59.190 --> 00:27:00.900
now will you buy from me?
00:27:00.900 --> 00:27:03.480
And it's like, okay,
that's still pretty fast
00:27:03.480 --> 00:27:05.010
for most people.
00:27:05.010 --> 00:27:08.010
You're gonna have to continue
to have a conversation.
00:27:08.010 --> 00:27:11.820
I mean like me personally, I
have a 52 week email sequence.
00:27:11.820 --> 00:27:14.040
We even create these
for some of our clients
00:27:14.040 --> 00:27:16.540
because it's like, okay,
you did your lead magnet,
00:27:17.609 --> 00:27:18.960
great, you got my freebie,
you took the quiz,
00:27:18.960 --> 00:27:20.160
you did whatever.
00:27:20.160 --> 00:27:22.680
And you got six emails.
00:27:22.680 --> 00:27:24.780
I do more than three. I do six.
00:27:24.780 --> 00:27:26.550
And then you're done with that.
00:27:26.550 --> 00:27:29.490
You haven't taken any other
action to indicate that
00:27:29.490 --> 00:27:33.360
this is a pain point that you
want to solve a little faster.
00:27:33.360 --> 00:27:36.100
I'm gonna drop you in my
52 week nurture sequence
00:27:37.290 --> 00:27:39.600
where I'm going to do little
steps throughout the way.
00:27:39.600 --> 00:27:41.100
Like hey, follow me on LinkedIn.
00:27:41.100 --> 00:27:42.540
Hey, subscribe to my YouTube.
00:27:42.540 --> 00:27:44.280
Hey, I'm putting out
stuff all over the place.
00:27:44.280 --> 00:27:46.500
Did you see the podcast I just put out?
00:27:46.500 --> 00:27:47.970
Did you see this blog article?
00:27:47.970 --> 00:27:50.250
And it's evergreen. It runs all the time.
00:27:50.250 --> 00:27:52.080
So it's like anytime
somebody hits my list,
00:27:52.080 --> 00:27:55.380
they've got a year to get to know me.
00:27:55.380 --> 00:27:57.270
And then somewhere along the way,
00:27:57.270 --> 00:27:58.290
they're gonna raise their hand.
00:27:58.290 --> 00:28:00.180
Otherwise they'll just
keep getting notified
00:28:00.180 --> 00:28:01.500
about the newest stuff that I'm doing.
00:28:01.500 --> 00:28:03.000
They'll get the newest blog articles.
00:28:03.000 --> 00:28:04.950
They'll get the newest podcast.
00:28:04.950 --> 00:28:06.720
But for 52 weeks,
00:28:06.720 --> 00:28:09.840
I have a very intentional
conversation with them,
00:28:09.840 --> 00:28:11.250
advising them on different things,
00:28:11.250 --> 00:28:13.260
helping them with different
aspects of their business,
00:28:13.260 --> 00:28:15.450
sharing resources that I have,
00:28:15.450 --> 00:28:17.823
sharing links to books that I recommend.
00:28:18.870 --> 00:28:21.120
And there's steps where you
making money along the way.
00:28:21.120 --> 00:28:22.230
Like I point them over.
00:28:22.230 --> 00:28:24.240
I'm a Business Made
Simple certified coach.
00:28:24.240 --> 00:28:26.700
So I have access to a seven day free trial
00:28:26.700 --> 00:28:28.560
of Business Made Simple University.
00:28:28.560 --> 00:28:29.670
Let me drop that in there.
00:28:29.670 --> 00:28:32.190
I get affiliated income when you buy that.
00:28:32.190 --> 00:28:34.590
If I have a book that
I recommend you read,
00:28:34.590 --> 00:28:36.150
I signed up for Amazon affiliates.
00:28:36.150 --> 00:28:37.740
When I drop my link to my book,
00:28:37.740 --> 00:28:38.940
I'll get a little something.
00:28:38.940 --> 00:28:41.070
Not a lot, not a lot,
00:28:41.070 --> 00:28:43.500
but if everybody in your
email list is getting dripped
00:28:43.500 --> 00:28:46.800
little bits and pieces while
you're being a helpful human,
00:28:46.800 --> 00:28:49.230
you might offset some of your email cost,
00:28:49.230 --> 00:28:50.760
make your money back eventually
00:28:50.760 --> 00:28:52.023
even if they don't buy.
00:28:53.190 --> 00:28:54.660
I mean, there's value to that kinda thing
00:28:54.660 --> 00:28:57.390
and understanding that it takes longer and
00:28:57.390 --> 00:29:00.600
80% of the people in your
world may never buy from you,
00:29:00.600 --> 00:29:03.025
but they can still generate you money
00:29:03.025 --> 00:29:03.858
through the affiliate sales,
00:29:03.858 --> 00:29:05.340
through referring people to you.
00:29:05.340 --> 00:29:07.320
So it's like you still have responsibility
00:29:07.320 --> 00:29:09.120
to make them a raving fan.
00:29:09.120 --> 00:29:11.730
They need to be somebody
who would be like, hey,
00:29:11.730 --> 00:29:13.020
I haven't hired her yet,
00:29:13.020 --> 00:29:14.280
but I've been on her email list
00:29:14.280 --> 00:29:16.320
for the past six months.
00:29:16.320 --> 00:29:18.090
And that girl knows her stuff.
00:29:18.090 --> 00:29:18.923
- Great point.
00:29:18.923 --> 00:29:20.670
- You should (indistinct) her.
00:29:20.670 --> 00:29:22.800
I know that's something
she helps people with.
00:29:22.800 --> 00:29:25.680
They're never gonna buy
from you. That's fine.
00:29:25.680 --> 00:29:26.984
Let them refer people.
00:29:26.984 --> 00:29:28.380
- Think of it this way
too ladies and gentlemen,
00:29:28.380 --> 00:29:29.810
just to piggyback off...
00:29:31.170 --> 00:29:32.003
Go ahead.
00:29:32.003 --> 00:29:32.836
- No, go ahead.
00:29:34.800 --> 00:29:36.690
- I was just gonna say to
piggyback off what you're saying,
00:29:36.690 --> 00:29:37.680
because you're spot on.
00:29:37.680 --> 00:29:39.900
Think of it in this context,
ladies and gentlemen,
00:29:39.900 --> 00:29:43.770
would you have six
conversations with your besties
00:29:43.770 --> 00:29:44.870
and then cut them off?
00:29:45.720 --> 00:29:49.020
That's ridiculous. You keep
the conversations going.
00:29:49.020 --> 00:29:49.920
And that's what she's saying.
00:29:49.920 --> 00:29:52.110
She's got at least a 52 week.
00:29:52.110 --> 00:29:53.310
So the point is,
00:29:53.310 --> 00:29:55.980
if all you're trying to do is sell,
00:29:55.980 --> 00:29:58.290
your business is probably not going
00:29:58.290 --> 00:30:00.810
to reach maximum capacity.
00:30:00.810 --> 00:30:05.810
But if you are building and
developing relationships,
00:30:06.060 --> 00:30:09.630
that relationship capital goes far deeper,
00:30:09.630 --> 00:30:11.310
it goes far wider.
00:30:11.310 --> 00:30:12.450
In fact, ladies and gentlemen,
00:30:12.450 --> 00:30:14.160
what it gets down to is leverage.
00:30:14.160 --> 00:30:16.440
Let me give you a simple
example of leveraging.
00:30:16.440 --> 00:30:17.940
Christina and I are already using it.
00:30:17.940 --> 00:30:19.800
But since I'm on her podcast,
00:30:19.800 --> 00:30:21.420
let me tell you what I'm talking about.
00:30:21.420 --> 00:30:23.460
Let's suppose she and I
are having a cup of coffee
00:30:23.460 --> 00:30:25.500
in her favorite gourmet coffee shop,
00:30:25.500 --> 00:30:27.720
it's really fancy and
we're talking and she says,
00:30:27.720 --> 00:30:29.040
you know, Mark,
00:30:29.040 --> 00:30:31.170
I really like some of these
non-traditional strategies
00:30:31.170 --> 00:30:32.400
and some of this advice you're sharing.
00:30:32.400 --> 00:30:34.290
Why don't you come on my podcast
00:30:34.290 --> 00:30:36.330
and share it with my tribe?
00:30:36.330 --> 00:30:37.163
Ladies and gentlemen,
00:30:37.163 --> 00:30:41.010
we just went from one
to one to one to mid.
00:30:41.010 --> 00:30:43.050
Well, when you do the
things she's talking about,
00:30:43.050 --> 00:30:45.300
like she said, word's gonna spread.
00:30:45.300 --> 00:30:47.940
Christina, I call it
word of mouth and mouse.
00:30:47.940 --> 00:30:50.130
That's the era we live in now.
00:30:50.130 --> 00:30:54.180
People will jump on social
media and share things.
00:30:54.180 --> 00:30:57.240
That's what you want cause you know what,
00:30:57.240 --> 00:30:58.785
here's the thing.
00:30:58.785 --> 00:31:01.760
You don't know who the
people on your list know
00:31:01.760 --> 00:31:04.980
or are gonna know today or tomorrow.
00:31:04.980 --> 00:31:06.930
So don't shortchange yourself
00:31:06.930 --> 00:31:08.550
by only playing the short game,
00:31:08.550 --> 00:31:11.460
trying to get a few nickels
and dimes out of them right now
00:31:11.460 --> 00:31:15.030
when you could get dollars down the road.
00:31:15.030 --> 00:31:15.863
That's very important.
00:31:15.863 --> 00:31:16.860
- Yep. Absolutely.
00:31:16.860 --> 00:31:19.170
I think we've shared so
many great tips on here.
00:31:19.170 --> 00:31:20.280
I love all this.
00:31:20.280 --> 00:31:22.830
And I know one thing I wanna
point out and something that
00:31:22.830 --> 00:31:24.300
you said earlier where you talked about
00:31:24.300 --> 00:31:25.860
the free drawing campaign,
00:31:25.860 --> 00:31:30.860
the way you multi leveraged
one tactic is fantastic
00:31:31.020 --> 00:31:32.820
because it's like, you
know, here you are, okay,
00:31:32.820 --> 00:31:35.670
we're gonna run this giveaway
thing in the store and
00:31:35.670 --> 00:31:37.260
that's gonna build our email list.
00:31:37.260 --> 00:31:38.670
Well that's goal number one.
00:31:38.670 --> 00:31:40.170
With a simple tweak,
00:31:40.170 --> 00:31:43.110
you also turned it into referrals
00:31:43.110 --> 00:31:44.970
like hey, bring your friend
00:31:44.970 --> 00:31:46.980
and then you guys are
gonna get extra benefit.
00:31:46.980 --> 00:31:48.840
And then another way
you can add on to that
00:31:48.840 --> 00:31:50.400
is user generated content.
00:31:50.400 --> 00:31:53.100
The people who win a thing,
get them to post about it,
00:31:53.100 --> 00:31:55.980
get them to put it out on
social, get them to tag you.
00:31:55.980 --> 00:31:57.810
It's called a UGC campaign.
00:31:57.810 --> 00:32:01.320
So it's like that little bit
of effort to do the one thing
00:32:01.320 --> 00:32:05.220
had so many other areas that
you could just keep maximizing
00:32:05.220 --> 00:32:08.853
on it and get more bang for
your buck on the one tactic.
00:32:10.440 --> 00:32:13.020
- Absolutely, absolutely.
00:32:13.020 --> 00:32:14.853
In fact, can I piggyback on that?
00:32:15.929 --> 00:32:16.762
Ladies and gentlemen,
00:32:16.762 --> 00:32:17.850
lemme show you how you turn a
00:32:17.850 --> 00:32:22.850
one shot sale into a gold mine
long term repeat business.
00:32:23.160 --> 00:32:27.510
Let's say Christina has a
rocking gourmet coffee shop.
00:32:27.510 --> 00:32:29.310
She sells exotic beverages.
00:32:29.310 --> 00:32:32.220
During the wintertime it's
exotic cocoas, exotic coffee.
00:32:32.220 --> 00:32:35.640
In the summertime, it's exotic
lemonades and iced teas,
00:32:35.640 --> 00:32:38.820
but everybody loves her coffee.
00:32:38.820 --> 00:32:40.260
It's what she does.
00:32:40.260 --> 00:32:44.010
She goes out and invests
in some big plastic cups
00:32:44.010 --> 00:32:46.410
that she calls the Big Gulp
00:32:46.410 --> 00:32:49.170
And let's say it normally
retails for $8.79.
00:32:49.170 --> 00:32:50.790
People come in, they buy the Big Gulp,
00:32:50.790 --> 00:32:52.410
and they're going their way.
00:32:52.410 --> 00:32:54.000
Here's what she starts doing from now on.
00:32:54.000 --> 00:32:55.680
And she tells her employees,
00:32:55.680 --> 00:32:58.560
the cashiers to make this
known to the customers.
00:32:58.560 --> 00:32:59.797
And she's gonna put a big sign up.
00:32:59.797 --> 00:33:01.697
"Have you joined our coffee club yet?"
00:33:03.450 --> 00:33:04.560
When I come in,
00:33:04.560 --> 00:33:09.093
I pay retail the first time
for the Big Gulp beverage.
00:33:10.050 --> 00:33:11.220
And by the way, when I say Big Gulp,
00:33:11.220 --> 00:33:14.460
it could be any beverage of
your choice, but it's $8.79.
00:33:14.460 --> 00:33:18.120
When I come in and buy the
beverage of my choice for $8.79,
00:33:18.120 --> 00:33:19.560
that pays for the cups,
00:33:19.560 --> 00:33:23.010
that pays for the beverage itself and
00:33:23.010 --> 00:33:24.990
a little bit toward the lights
and the payroll and all that.
00:33:24.990 --> 00:33:26.640
But here's the point.
00:33:26.640 --> 00:33:29.820
They make me understand going forward.
00:33:29.820 --> 00:33:32.463
Every time I bring that cup back with me,
00:33:33.851 --> 00:33:36.303
I don't pay $8.79 now, I pay $2.79.
00:33:37.500 --> 00:33:39.120
Now think about what just happened.
00:33:39.120 --> 00:33:41.490
Am I gonna come to her shop more often?
00:33:41.490 --> 00:33:43.410
When I take that cup back to work
00:33:43.410 --> 00:33:46.080
and place it on my desk, are my coworkers,
00:33:46.080 --> 00:33:46.977
or if I own my own business,
00:33:46.977 --> 00:33:50.520
are my employees gonna say,
hey, what's up with the cup?
00:33:50.520 --> 00:33:52.380
I got a story to tell,
oh you know Christina's
00:33:52.380 --> 00:33:53.610
gourmet coffee shop?
00:33:53.610 --> 00:33:56.103
You go in there the first
time you pay retail,
00:33:56.970 --> 00:33:58.770
and oh man, this coffee's fabulous.
00:33:58.770 --> 00:33:59.850
You gotta try this.
00:33:59.850 --> 00:34:02.850
But every time there
after you bring it back,
00:34:02.850 --> 00:34:06.600
you only pay either $1.99 or $2.79.
00:34:06.600 --> 00:34:07.620
But here's the point.
00:34:07.620 --> 00:34:09.123
Here's the back end of that.
00:34:10.530 --> 00:34:13.500
Everybody's got, not everybody,
00:34:13.500 --> 00:34:17.910
a majority of her customers
has kids or grandkids.
00:34:17.910 --> 00:34:22.380
There are birthdays. There are holidays.
00:34:22.380 --> 00:34:24.150
There are business meetings.
00:34:24.150 --> 00:34:26.250
There are graduations, law, dental,
00:34:26.250 --> 00:34:28.620
chiropractic school,
00:34:28.620 --> 00:34:30.390
celebration of a first child,
00:34:30.390 --> 00:34:32.040
celebration of a second child,
00:34:32.040 --> 00:34:33.960
celebration of opening a new business,
00:34:33.960 --> 00:34:38.700
celebration of a grandchild,
second grandchild,
00:34:38.700 --> 00:34:40.890
buying a new house, et cetera.
00:34:40.890 --> 00:34:42.900
They're gonna come in
and make those purchases.
00:34:42.900 --> 00:34:45.750
And Christina, because
she's a savvy marketer.
00:34:45.750 --> 00:34:50.750
She grandfathers them in, every
order over $25, they save X.
00:34:51.600 --> 00:34:55.230
Every order under that,
they save X for life.
00:34:55.230 --> 00:34:59.520
That's how you go from
working extremely hard
00:34:59.520 --> 00:35:01.560
in your business of service
00:35:01.560 --> 00:35:06.560
to extremely smart and hard
on your business and service.
00:35:06.780 --> 00:35:08.430
That is a gold mine strategy.
00:35:08.430 --> 00:35:09.330
And if you do the math,
00:35:09.330 --> 00:35:11.100
you're gonna find out
instead of them coming
00:35:11.100 --> 00:35:14.760
once a week or once every
other week at the $8.79,
00:35:14.760 --> 00:35:18.630
now they come three times
a week over 52 weeks
00:35:18.630 --> 00:35:21.120
plus the other stuff we just mentioned,
00:35:21.120 --> 00:35:23.250
that's how you grow your
business entrepreneur.
00:35:23.250 --> 00:35:24.390
And Christina's sharp.
00:35:24.390 --> 00:35:26.580
She can hire some good
looking young ladies
00:35:26.580 --> 00:35:29.640
and her top businesses in the area,
00:35:29.640 --> 00:35:31.260
she'll send those young ladies out there
00:35:31.260 --> 00:35:33.150
on customer appreciation day
00:35:33.150 --> 00:35:34.500
and they'll serve the Big Gulp
00:35:34.500 --> 00:35:36.660
to the customer and say hey,
be sure to bring the cup back.
00:35:36.660 --> 00:35:40.290
Well right around the
corner at 2515 Dub Street,
00:35:40.290 --> 00:35:43.023
and you only pay $2.79
for life from now on.
00:35:44.013 --> 00:35:45.117
00:35:45.117 --> 00:35:47.460
And maybe the company
will do a Facebook live.
00:35:47.460 --> 00:35:50.010
Maybe Christina will do a Facebook live.
00:35:50.010 --> 00:35:54.420
This is how you and I go viral
00:35:54.420 --> 00:35:56.700
for literally pennies on the dollar.
00:35:56.700 --> 00:35:58.410
- And we've got a coffee shop in our area
00:35:58.410 --> 00:36:00.240
that took it kind of to the next level
00:36:00.240 --> 00:36:01.580
because I feel like one
thing you really have to do
00:36:01.580 --> 00:36:04.170
in business is not just
get stuck in your ways
00:36:04.170 --> 00:36:05.430
with your products and services,
00:36:05.430 --> 00:36:08.130
listen to your customers and think about
00:36:08.130 --> 00:36:10.590
what are their pain points and
how can you solve for those?
00:36:10.590 --> 00:36:12.150
We have one coffee shop in town.
00:36:12.150 --> 00:36:15.240
They do that with like buy
the mug and bring it back.
00:36:15.240 --> 00:36:18.180
But they have something else
called a Dirty Mug Club.
00:36:18.180 --> 00:36:21.240
You actually can bring
your cup back dirty,
00:36:21.240 --> 00:36:24.063
they will clean it and
put new stuff in it.
00:36:25.020 --> 00:36:26.970
And it's like, now you've gone,
00:36:26.970 --> 00:36:29.550
I'll come three or four times
a week when I've remembered to
00:36:29.550 --> 00:36:32.310
take the cup out of my car
and take it in and clean it
00:36:32.310 --> 00:36:35.100
to I'm just gonna show up daily,
00:36:35.100 --> 00:36:37.500
because I'm on my
commute to work each day,
00:36:37.500 --> 00:36:38.940
I can just give you my cup,
00:36:38.940 --> 00:36:41.970
I can leave it in my car overnight
00:36:41.970 --> 00:36:43.200
and just go back and pull back
00:36:43.200 --> 00:36:44.370
in the next day and be like here you go,
00:36:44.370 --> 00:36:46.260
clean it and give me more.
00:36:46.260 --> 00:36:48.180
And now you've got a daily customer
00:36:48.180 --> 00:36:49.830
just because you listened.
00:36:49.830 --> 00:36:51.570
You listen to that pain point of
00:36:51.570 --> 00:36:54.368
I keep forgetting at the
end of the day, I'm tired,
00:36:54.368 --> 00:36:56.610
I keep forgetting to take
that cup out of my car
00:36:56.610 --> 00:36:57.443
and go wash it.
00:36:57.443 --> 00:36:58.980
So now I can't get my coffee
00:36:58.980 --> 00:37:00.720
because I'd have to pay full price again,
00:37:00.720 --> 00:37:02.460
but I don't wanna pay full price again
00:37:02.460 --> 00:37:05.640
because I have the cup that
lets me not pay full price.
00:37:05.640 --> 00:37:08.640
I'll just wash it when I get
to work and drink coffee there,
00:37:09.900 --> 00:37:13.950
but you really want your
mean mug coffee on the way.
00:37:13.950 --> 00:37:17.220
But little stuff like that
where you pay attention.
00:37:17.220 --> 00:37:19.380
And that's why when we take a
new client on one of the first
00:37:19.380 --> 00:37:21.960
things we do throw away
their products and services.
00:37:21.960 --> 00:37:23.526
Like I don't care what you sell.
00:37:23.526 --> 00:37:24.870
I don't wanna hear about that right now.
00:37:24.870 --> 00:37:26.730
I wanna hear about who
you like to work with
00:37:26.730 --> 00:37:29.640
and I wanna hear about
why they should hire you
00:37:29.640 --> 00:37:31.620
and now let's talk about, okay,
00:37:31.620 --> 00:37:33.420
so that's how you can help them.
00:37:33.420 --> 00:37:35.670
Now what do you sell to
help make that happen?
00:37:35.670 --> 00:37:36.503
You know what I mean?
00:37:36.503 --> 00:37:38.460
Now let's talk about
products and services.
00:37:38.460 --> 00:37:40.770
Because a lot of times
it creates opportunities
00:37:40.770 --> 00:37:43.080
to think about new things
00:37:43.080 --> 00:37:44.940
that you wouldn't have thought about.
00:37:44.940 --> 00:37:46.980
And that's really important.
00:37:46.980 --> 00:37:47.850
- That's true.
00:37:47.850 --> 00:37:50.424
- So I know I have kept
you going for so long
00:37:50.424 --> 00:37:53.790
are there are so many nuggets
in this and it is fantastic,
00:37:53.790 --> 00:37:55.650
but I wanna be respectful
of your time too.
00:37:55.650 --> 00:37:57.510
And I wanna make sure our
guests know where to find you
00:37:57.510 --> 00:37:59.400
because you dropped a lot
of really good nuggets,
00:37:59.400 --> 00:38:02.280
especially some for local businesses
00:38:02.280 --> 00:38:03.113
that have brick and mortars.
00:38:03.113 --> 00:38:05.010
And I think there's some
really creative nuggets
00:38:05.010 --> 00:38:06.570
in your brain there.
00:38:06.570 --> 00:38:07.770
So how can they find you
00:38:07.770 --> 00:38:09.090
if somebody's listening to all this
00:38:09.090 --> 00:38:12.000
and they're like, ah, I
wanna do something like that,
00:38:12.000 --> 00:38:15.180
but I know I'm going need
help putting you together,
00:38:15.180 --> 00:38:16.013
how do they find you?
00:38:16.013 --> 00:38:17.380
How do they connect with you?
00:38:20.070 --> 00:38:21.760
- Excellent. Thank you Christine.
00:38:21.760 --> 00:38:22.740
Ladies and gentlemen, two things.
00:38:22.740 --> 00:38:25.713
You can drop by my house online.
00:38:27.404 --> 00:38:28.890
00:38:28.890 --> 00:38:30.720
All one word, no hyphens.
00:38:30.720 --> 00:38:32.010
That's my blog.
00:38:32.010 --> 00:38:34.350
And my brother always forgets
the now and he says, dude,
00:38:34.350 --> 00:38:35.370
there's something wrong with your site.
00:38:35.370 --> 00:38:37.470
And it's like, did you
put the now in there?
00:38:37.470 --> 00:38:40.500
But anyway, or if you like to listen,
00:38:40.500 --> 00:38:41.333
maybe you're on the go,
00:38:41.333 --> 00:38:42.960
you're getting your
workout on or whatever.
00:38:42.960 --> 00:38:45.030
You could go over to spotify.com,
00:38:45.030 --> 00:38:47.130
pull up the Marketing
Minute, Mark Newsome,
00:38:47.130 --> 00:38:49.050
00:38:49.050 --> 00:38:52.320
and you can listen in and
if you think it's warranted,
00:38:52.320 --> 00:38:53.580
only if you think it's wonderful,
00:38:53.580 --> 00:38:55.500
please drop me a five star review.
00:38:55.500 --> 00:38:57.780
That way it'll help spread the word.
00:38:57.780 --> 00:38:59.880
And if you are on LinkedIn,
let's get connected.
00:38:59.880 --> 00:39:03.060
That way we can share,
like each other's content,
00:39:03.060 --> 00:39:05.400
and move everybody up in the algorithm.
00:39:05.400 --> 00:39:07.590
One last thing if I could, Christina.
00:39:07.590 --> 00:39:11.040
Ladies and gentlemen, I got two things.
00:39:11.040 --> 00:39:11.970
Number one,
00:39:11.970 --> 00:39:14.910
please stop treating your business
00:39:14.910 --> 00:39:16.710
or service like a one night stand.
00:39:16.710 --> 00:39:18.150
What the heck are you saying Mark?
00:39:18.150 --> 00:39:20.430
You jump from one retail customer
00:39:20.430 --> 00:39:22.503
to the next retail first time customer.
00:39:24.060 --> 00:39:26.700
That is outrageously expensive
00:39:26.700 --> 00:39:28.230
and it's the wrong way to go about things.
00:39:28.230 --> 00:39:29.640
You say, but Mark, that's business.
00:39:29.640 --> 00:39:31.380
Yet if you wanna push a car uphill
00:39:31.380 --> 00:39:33.780
on the hottest day of
the year, do it that way.
00:39:33.780 --> 00:39:37.260
What you gotta do is what
she was saying. Drill down.
00:39:37.260 --> 00:39:40.200
You gotta nurture each customer.
00:39:40.200 --> 00:39:44.190
That way you get multi...
00:39:44.190 --> 00:39:47.040
Like a, what's it, a mushroom cloud.
00:39:47.040 --> 00:39:48.030
It explodes.
00:39:48.030 --> 00:39:50.220
They talk, they share, they buy more.
00:39:50.220 --> 00:39:51.870
They come more often.
00:39:51.870 --> 00:39:53.550
We can wrap up what she's saying,
00:39:53.550 --> 00:39:55.230
that is a brilliant strategy Christina,
00:39:55.230 --> 00:39:56.250
I'm gonna give you credit for it,
00:39:56.250 --> 00:39:59.340
I'm gonna share it, about the
cup, the gourmet coffee shop,
00:39:59.340 --> 00:40:01.620
bring it, having the
company, they clean it
00:40:01.620 --> 00:40:03.390
and replace it for you.
00:40:03.390 --> 00:40:05.670
There's one word that
describes what they're doing,
00:40:05.670 --> 00:40:08.373
ladies and gentlemen, service.
00:40:09.660 --> 00:40:13.110
Figure out how to be of service
00:40:13.110 --> 00:40:15.660
to your ideal prospects and customers.
00:40:15.660 --> 00:40:17.550
And you won't have to worry
about growing your business.
00:40:17.550 --> 00:40:20.580
Your competitors are gonna
be choking on your smoke.
00:40:20.580 --> 00:40:23.400
But I wanted to say this as a final thing,
00:40:23.400 --> 00:40:24.600
ladies and gentlemen,
when you go to my blog,
00:40:24.600 --> 00:40:26.520
I have a free nine page special report,
00:40:26.520 --> 00:40:28.410
which really in reality
talks about this concept,
00:40:28.410 --> 00:40:31.230
backending, that she and
I have been alluding to,
00:40:31.230 --> 00:40:36.230
but I also have a 22 part
sequential follow up email message
00:40:40.110 --> 00:40:43.950
series called "The Small Business
Marketing Mastery Series".
00:40:43.950 --> 00:40:45.270
And here's what I want you to do for me
00:40:45.270 --> 00:40:46.920
as a special favor.
00:40:46.920 --> 00:40:48.840
I want you to download the special report,
00:40:48.840 --> 00:40:51.570
read it, hopefully more
than once and implement it.
00:40:51.570 --> 00:40:53.730
Number two, I want you to start
going through that sequence,
00:40:53.730 --> 00:40:57.480
but if at any time during your
reading that you say, Mark,
00:40:57.480 --> 00:40:59.490
this is good, but it
just doesn't work for me,
00:40:59.490 --> 00:41:02.790
please feel free to
unsubscribe anytime you wish
00:41:02.790 --> 00:41:04.290
for whatever reason you want.
00:41:04.290 --> 00:41:06.000
But here's the kicker.
00:41:06.000 --> 00:41:09.420
You and I can still be
friends, no hard feelings.
00:41:09.420 --> 00:41:10.650
- That's a great way to put that.
00:41:10.650 --> 00:41:12.930
Thank you so much for
sharing those great resources
00:41:12.930 --> 00:41:15.993
and for coming on and sharing
so many awesome tips as well.
00:41:19.140 --> 00:41:20.320
- My complete pleasure.
Thank you for that.
00:41:20.320 --> 00:41:22.260
- Entrepreneurs, as always,
00:41:22.260 --> 00:41:23.520
this is your call to take action,
00:41:23.520 --> 00:41:26.220
head over to etatoday.zone
and learn how to build
00:41:26.220 --> 00:41:28.020
a business that enables your lifestyle
00:41:28.020 --> 00:41:29.490
instead of taking over your life.
00:41:29.490 --> 00:41:30.540
Until next time, bye.
00:41:33.706 --> 00:41:36.289
(upbeat music)