🧠🌶️ a neuro-spicy friendly course

Turn Your Audience Into Raving Fans Who Can't Wait to Give You Money

Tune into this course and left me walk you step-by-step through creating your presentation using my proven 7-step Story-Selling Framework. You'll be an instant success as you take your audience on a journey to defeat their dragon and get their treasure.

As Seen on:

Their attention will be ON YOU — they won't be lost on their phones.

Your pitch won't feel weird — they'll be asking where to sign up.

Your audience will participate — they're learning and it's fun.

Get the Right Level of Training Because Selling You More Than You Need is Wrong

I've created 3 levels of this training so your neuro-spicy brain can get exactly the support you need to create your presentation based on the way you learn best.

Basic $0

A simple 4-lesson training on my 7-step story-selling framework.

Perfect if you just want to see if this can help you with your presentation.

  • 7-Step Framework Training
  • 7 Characters Training
  • Knowledge Funnel Training
  • Workbook

Basic + Templates $47

I include professionally-designed templates using my framework.

Great if you want to save time building your presentation.

  • 7-Step Framework Training
  • 7 Characters Training
  • Knowledge Funnel Training
  • Workbook
  • 3 Canva Slide Templates with Tutorial Using My Framework

Ultimate $197

A 3-week deep dive that includes a Client Hero to hold you accountable.

Best if you need help and want to really crush your presentation.

  • 7-Step Framework Deep Training
  • 7 Characters Deep Training
  • Knowledge Funnel Training
  • Workbook
  • 3 Canva Slide Templates with Tutorial Using My Framework
  • Presentation Timing Training
  • Presentation Design Training
  • 😍 Client Hero to proactively reach out and support you
  • 😍 Client Hero to review your homework as you go
  • 😍 I will personally review a recording of your final presentation and provide tips and feedback

😍 Ultimate is PACKED

Do you buy courses and never finish them? ME TOO! This course is meant to set you up for success so you not only finish it, but you finish it within 3 weeks.

Week One: You'll learn the framework and create your character map.

Week Two: You'll create the draft of your presentation using the framework.

Week Three: You'll create your final presentation and I'll give you feedback.

Client Hero
You have an actual human reaching out to you proactively to make sure you're making progress. They'll be checking your homework and answering any questions that you have as you go along.

TikTok Style Videos
The lessons are filmed in short 3 to 5 min videos so you can watch quickly and immediately start taking action on the material.

All Learning Styles Supported
Each lesson includes the training materials in video with captions, audio, and written formats so you can learn in the way that works best for your brain.

I created an easy-to-follow workbook that you can use to follow along as you go through the course. All the worksheets are in one place, in order, and clearly labeled with the lesson they go with.

No Dripping - It's All There Now
You can binge the whole course, binge one module, or take it lesson-by-lesson — whatever works best for your brain.

Christina will Personally Review Your Presentation
When you're done with your presentation, I will personally review it and provide any feedback or tips to help you level it up.

Do You Want to Be A POWERFUL Story-Seller on Any Stage? Awesome! You're in the Right Place 🥰

To be able to inspire, captivate, and motivate audiences of any size — virtual or in person — to take action...?

By hoping into this course, you're going to create a presentation that will take your audience on a journey...


overcoming their biggest obstacles


being excited to fight their dragon


ready to finally get their treasure

the result... and audience that can't wait to get into your world!

Trusted By Some of the Top Speakers in the World...

You'd be an absolute fool if you didn't at least check it out!

I've always been a storyteller. That's never been an issue, but she gave us a new way to tell story that's so vastly different than what you see in the market right now when people give presentations. That it hooks an audience in, holds them and doesn't let them go until you leave the stage. It's absolutely genius. It's absolutely brilliant, and you'd be an absolute fool if you didn't at least check it out.

Atiba de Souza
International Keynote Speaker

Meet Christina

“Putting your nose to the grindstone is a really easy way to cover up an unhealthy business. We think that if we can just work harder, longer, better—if we can just hold out—something good will happen one day.” ― Mike Michalowicz

You probably started your business for a lot of the same reasons I did — to build a better life for yourself and the people that matter to you most. To create choices for how you spend your days and give yourself freedom.

If your business isn't making you happy and profitable, I can absolutely help.

I know what it's like to be soooo frustrated that you start thinking... "it'd be easier to just go get a job again." I wasn't one of these natural entrepreneurs that just made all the right decisions at the right times when the chips are down either.

I worked hard and became of student of building scalable businesses. I've devoted 15 years of my life (and counting) to helping entrepreneurs grow their companies and find freedom. Seeing you fall in love with your business again and watching it support you the way you want is the best feeling in the world.

Let's Connect 👉

I've Trained With & Studied the Best Speakers in the World

Ryan Deiss

Alex Hormozi

Mike Michalowicz

Steve Sims

Russell Brunson

Kasim Aslam

Donald Miller

Molly Mahoney

StoryBrand Certified Guide

DigitalMarketer Certified Partner

Scalable Founders Board Member

Pedro Adao's Challenge Model

Ryan Levesque Quiz Funnel Student

BMS Certified Coach

Get Instant Access to This Course Now

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In the Free Training You Get...

  • 7-Step Framework Basic Training
  • 7 Characters Basic Training
  • Knowledge Funnel Training
  • Workbook

In Free Training + Templates, You Get All That Plus...

  • 3 Canva Slide Templates with Tutorial Using My Framework

In the Ultimate Training, You Get All That Plus...

  • Deep Training on the 7-Step Framework7 Characters
  • Deep Training on the 7 Characters
  • Presentation Timing Training
  • Presentation Design Training
  • 😍 Client Hero to proactively reach out and support you
  • 😍 Client Hero to review your homework as you go
  • 😍 I will personally review a recording of your final presentation and provide tips and feedback

🧠🌶️ a neuro-spicy friendly course

Who Is This Course For?

  • You want to convert your audience when you're speaking.
  • You're neuro-spicy (ADD, ADHD, AuDHD, OCD, RSD, and all the acronyms) - As an AuDHD entrepreneur myself, I wanted to make sure this was accessible.
  • You want to tell a story that gets results.
  • You believe that sharing knowledge helps everyone (including your biz).
  • You want your audience to absolutely in love with you the moment you open your mouth.
  • You are creating a webinar, course, presentation, or other knowledge-based lead generator for your business.
  • You love TikTok-style videos - this course is filmed in short and concise videos to make it neuro-spicy friendly.

Not sure...? Get the free version of the course and test it out. If you like it, you can always get the rest of it later.
